Parcel 019-812-04
STAGECOACH, NV 89429-0000
Parcel Summary
Location | 10045 COLEMAN LN STAGECOACH, NV |
Use Code | 220: Manufactured Home Converted to Real Property |
Tax District | 9.0: Stagecoach Gen Improvmt Dist |
Acreage | 4.3000 |
Block/Lot | B/4 |
Plat Maps | 019-81.pdf (314kb) |
Map Documents | SUB222557 PAR197556 |
Value History
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | |
Total Building Value | $162,313 | $166,496 | $151,530 | $0 | $0 | $6,040 | $5,811 |
Total Extra Features Value | $56,696 | $57,570 | $52,826 | $46,429 | $5,978 | $0 | $0 |
Total Secured Pers Prop | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Land Value | $40,000 | $40,000 | $40,000 | $35,000 | $35,000 | $35,000 | $35,000 |
Taxable Value | $259,009 | $264,066 | $244,356 | $81,429 | $40,978 | $41,040 | $40,811 |
Net Exemptions Value | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Net Assessed Value | $90,653 | $92,423 | $85,525 | $28,500 | $14,342 | $14,364 | $14,284 |
New Improvements | $0 | $0 | $0 | $40,427 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Land | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Document/Transfer/Sales History
Instrument / Official Record | Date | Type | V/I | Dcl Value | Ownership |
RPN 666223 | 2023-01-23 | REAL PROPERTY NOTICE ISSUED | Improved | $0 | Grantee: BALLARD, KAREN / VANCE, CORENNA |
CON 665983 | 2023-01-12 | MOBILE CONVERSION APPLICATION | Improved | $0 | Grantee: BALLARD, KAREN / VANCE, CORENNA |
JTD 650127 | 2021-12-21 | JOINT TENANCY DEED | Improved | $469,500 | Grantor: LANDSTEDT, ANDREW ROBERT ET AL Grantee: BALLARD, KAREN / VANCE, CORENNA |
CON 649858 | 2021-12-17 | MOBILE CONVERSION APPLICATION | Improved | $0 | Grantee: LANDSTEDT, ANDREW ROBERT ET AL |
GBS 628943 | 2021-01-22 | GRANT BARGAIN SALE DEED | Improved | $69,000 | Grantor: LAMBORN, MICHAEL DALE Grantee: LANDSTEDT, ANDREW ROBERT ET AL |
QCD 518188 | 2014-02-18 | QUITCLAIM DEED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: STUTSMAN, SHARON D ET AL |
GBS 513741 | 2013-10-15 | GRANT BARGAIN SALE DEED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: STUTSMAN, MATTHEW L ET AL |
AFF 513740 | 2013-10-15 | AFFIDAVIT OF DEATH | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: STUTSMAN, ROBERT NOBLE |
251724 | 2000-08-17 | Vacant | $27,000 | Grantor: HUGHES, PATRICK N Grantee: STUTSMAN, MATTHEW L ET AL | |
OEB 223203 | 1998-09-03 | ORD ENLARGING BOUNDARIES GID | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: HUGHES, PATRICK N (GID) |
SUB 222557 | 1998-08-20 | SUBDIVISION MAP | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: HUGHES, PATRICK N |
QCD 211326 | 1997-10-22 | QUITCLAIM DEED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: HUGHES, PATRICK N |
PAR 197556 | 1996-09-19 | PARCEL MAP | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: HUGHES, COLEMAN V & BILLIE E TR |
REL 191490 | 1996-03-20 | RELEASE DEFERRED TAX LIEN | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: HUGHES, COLEMAN V & BILLIE E TR |
WTR 170677 | 1994-04-19 | DEED FOR WATER RIGHTS | Vacant | $112,000 | Grantee: STAGECOACH GENERAL IMPROVE DIST |
WTR 164487 | 1993-09-13 | DEED FOR WATER RIGHTS | Vacant | $0 | |
WTR 164486 | 1993-09-13 | DEED FOR WATER RIGHTS | Vacant | $0 | |
WTR 164485 | 1993-09-13 | DEED FOR WATER RIGHTS | Vacant | $0 | |
GBD 162091 | 1993-06-14 | GREEN BELT DENIED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: HUGHES, COLEMAN V & BILLIE E TR |
QCD 159407 | 1993-03-05 | QUITCLAIM DEED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: HUGHES, COLEMAN V & BILLIE E TR |
GBA 145888 | 1991-10-18 | GREEN BELT APPROVED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: HUGHES, C V "DUTCH", TRUSTEE |
AGR 134592 | 1990-07-19 | AGREEMENT/OPTION/MISCL | Vacant | $0 | |
EAS 104022 | 1986-12-16 | EASEMENT/RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: HUGHES, C V "DUTCH", TRUSTEE |
QCD 95494 | 1985-10-01 | QUITCLAIM DEED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: HUGHES, C V "DUTCH", TRUSTEE |
EST 92457 | 1985-05-01 | ESTATE/DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION | Vacant | $0 | |
AFF 79883 | 1983-08-29 | AFFIDAVIT OF DEATH | Vacant | $0 | |
GBA 57611 | 1980-12-16 | GREEN BELT APPROVED | Vacant | $0 | |
DEE 41272 | 1978-10-18 | DEED | Vacant | $0 |
Building # 1, Section # 1, CMH, Mobile Home Real Property
Type | Model | Heated Sq Ft | Repl Cost New | YrBlt | WAY | Other % Dpr | Normal % Dpr | % Cond | Value |
MRES | 06 | 1998 | $172,673 | 2021 | 2021 | 0.00% | 6.00% | 94.00% | $162,313 |
Structural Elements
Type | Description | Code | Details |
ROOF | ROOF | 0208 | Composition Shingle |
EW | EXT WALL | 0185 | Hardboard Sheet |
HEAT | HEAT | 0351 | Warmed & Cooled Air |
0502 | Automatic Appliance Allowance | 1.00 | |
0601 | Plumbing Fixtures -# | 10.00 | |
0602 | Plumbing Fixtures Rough-ins -# | 1.00 | |
0402 | Automatic Floor Cover Allowance | 1.00 | |
BED | Bedrooms | 3.00 | |
BTHF | Bath-Full | 2.00 | |
MBLN | Mobile Home Length | 74.00 | |
MBWD | Mobile Home Width | 27.00 |
Extra Features
Code | Description | Length | Width | Units | Unit Price | AYB | Repl Cost | % Good Condition | Dpr Value* | Final Value |
FNC F | FENCE "FAIR" 300' 1/24 | 1.00 | $11,015 | 2004 | $11,015 | 69% | $7,545 | $7,545 | ||
FNDCON | MOBILE HOME FOUNDATION 24" CONC 1/24 | 202.00 | $33 | 2021 | $6,717 | 94% | $6,314 | $6,314 | ||
GARMET3 | DETACHED GARAGE METAL/VINYL SIDING 1/24 | 30 | 20 | 600.00 | $43 | 2021 | $25,544 | 94% | $24,012 | $24,012 |
WESP | WELL ELECTRIC SEPTIC PRESSURE 1/24 | 1.00 | $20,027 | 2021 | $20,027 | 94% | $18,825 | $18,825 |
Land Lines
Personal Property
All parcel data on this page is for use by the Lyon County Property Appraiser for assessment purposes only. The summary data on this page may not be a complete representation of the parcel or of the improvements thereon. Building information, including unit counts and number of permitted units, should be verified with the appropriate building and planning agencies. Zoning information should be verified with the appropriate planning agency. All parcels are reappraised each year. This is a true and accurate copy of the records of the Lyon County Assessor's Office as of March 01, 2025.