Type Description
0383 Window-type Refrig Cooler (#)
0385 Evaporative Cooler, Window (#)
0386 Evaporative Cooler, Roof- top (#)
0401 Floor Cover Allowance ($)
0402 Automatic Floor Cover Allowance
0411 Carpet and Pad (SF)
0412 Ceramic Tile (SF)
0413 Hardwood (SF)
0417 Quarry Tile (SF)
0501 Automatic Appliance Allowance $
0502 Automatic Appliance Allowance
0511 Bath Heater (#)
0531 Vacuum Cleaner System (#)
0533 Clothes Dryer (#)
0535 Clothes Washer (#)
0546 Sprinklers (SF)
0601 Plumbing Fixtures -#
0602 Plumbing Fixtures Rough-ins -#
0632 Add for Drywall Finish, including ceil (%)
0640 Wood Burning Stove (#)
0641 Single 1-Story Fireplace - #
0642 Single 2-Story Fireplace -#
0643 Single 3-Story Fireplace -#
0644 Double 1-Story Fireplace -#
0645 Double 2-Story Fireplace -#
0646 Double 3-Story Fireplace #
0648 Direct-Vented, Gas Fireplace #
0652 Floor Insulation (Moderate Climate)
0654 Elevator 2-3 Person, 2 Stops
0691 Land Value $
0701 Attached Garage
0706 Detached Garage
0711 Built-in Garage
0721 Carport, Flat Roof (SF)
0722 Carport, Shed Roof (SF
0723 Carport, Gable Roof (SF)
0736 Garage Finish, Attached (SF)
0737 Garage Finish, Detached (SF)
0738 Garage Finish, Built-in (SF)
0764 Area over Garage (SF), Apartment Room Finish
0766 Garage Finish, Attached (SF)
0768 Garage Finish, Built-in (SF)
0801 Total Basement Area (SF)
0802 Minimal Finish Area (SF)
0803 Partition Finish Area (SF)
0804 Basement Garage Finish Area (SF)
0805 Basement Garage Single
0806 Basement Garage, Single #
0807 Basement Garage Triple #
0808 Outside Entrance Below Grade
0901 Open Slab Porch (SF)
0902 Raised Slab Porch (SF)
0903 Wood Deck (SF)
0904 Slab Porch with Roof (SF)
0905 Raised Slab Porch with Roof (SF)
0906 Wood Deck with Roof (SF)
0907 Enclosed Porch (SF) Screened Walls
0908 Enclosed Porch (SF) Knee Walls w/Glass
0909 Enclosed Porch (SF) Solid Walls
0910 Raised Enclosed Porch (SF) Screened Walls
0911 Raised Enclosed Porch (SF) Knee Walls w/Glass
0912 Raised Enclosed Porch (SF) Solid Walls
0913 Enclosed Wood Deck (SF)Screened Walls
0914 Enclosed Wood Deck (SF) Knee Wall w/Panels
0915 Enclosed wood Deck (SF) Solid Wall
0954 Slab Breezeway (SF) with Roof
0956 Wood Breezeway (SF) with Roof
0959 Enclosed Breezeway (SF, Solid Walls
1001 Cement Balcony (SF)
1002 Wood Balcony (SF)
1003 Wood Balcony (SF), Wood Rails, Plastered Soffit
1004 Wood Blacony (SF), Iron Rails, Plastered Soffit
1005 Cement Balcony (SF) Wood Rails, Plastered Soffit
1006 Cement Balcony (SF) Iron Rails Plastered Soffit
1007 Wood Balcony (SF) Wood Rails,Unfinished Soffit
1008 Wood Balcony (SF) Iron Rails, Unfinished Soffit
1009 Cement Balcony, Wood Rails, Unfinished Soffit
1010 Cement Balcony (SF) Iron Rails Unfininished Soffit
1011 Wood Balcony w/Roof, Wood Rails, Plastered Soffit
1012 Wood Balcony w/Roof, Iron Rrails, Plastered Soffit
1015 Wood Balcony w/Roof, Wood Rails, Unfinished Soffit
1019 Cement Stairway (FLT)
1020 Steel Stairway (FLT)
1021 Wood Stairway (FLT)
1022 Wood Stairway (FLT), Plastered Soffit
1023 Cement Stairway (FLT), Plastered Soffit
1024 Wood Stairway (FLT), Unfinished Soffit
1025 Cement Stairway (FLT), Unfinished Soffit
1501 Skirting, Metal or Vinyl, Veritcal (LF)
1502 Skirting, Metal or Vinyl, Horiz. Lap (LF)
1504 Skirting, Plywd/Hrdbd (LF)
1505 Skirting, Plywd/Hrdbd, Horiz Lap(LF)
1506 Skirting, Brick Veneer(LF)
1507 Skirting, Stone Veneer (LF)
1508 Skirting, Concrete Block (LF)
1510 Foundation, Continuous Concrete (SF)
1517 Entry, Steps, Concrete, Precast (#)
1520 Entry, Steps, Wood (#)
1613 Brick Wall (SF)
1618 Paving, Concrete w/Base (SF)
1619 Paving, Brick (SF)
1620 Paving, Flagstone (SF)
1623 Lawn Sprinklers (SF)
3681 CommBsmt Generic Sprinklers
3682 CommBsmt Dry Sprinklers
3683 CommBsmt Wet Sprinklers
650 Elevator (by Area)-Comm DO NOT USE
651 Elevator Passenger - Commercial
654 Elevator 2-3 Person, 2 Stops
681 Sprinkler System Generic - Commercial
682 Sprinkler System Dry - Commercial
683 Sprinkler System Wet - Commercial
751 Balcony
759 Mezzanine
760 Mezzanine - Display
761 Mezzanine - Office
762 Area over Garage (SF), Minimal Finish
763 Mezzanine - Storage
764 Fire Alarm System
766 Loft Floor/Farm Storage
BED Bedrooms
BEDB Basement Bedrooms
BL Basement Levels (COMM)
BTHF Bath-Full
BTHFB Basement Bath-Full
BTHH Bath-Half
BTHHB Basement Bath-Half
EW_C EXT WALL-Commercial
FLR Floor Covering
FND Foundation
HEAT_C HEAT-Commercial
HEAT_C_BT HEAT Comm Basement
HILL Hillside Slope Adjustment
LIV # Living Units
M#UNITS Number of MultiFamily Units
MBLN Mobile Home Length
MBWD Mobile Home Width
NDWL # Non_Dwelling Units
RWH Average Wall Height Adj (RES)
SBFL SubFloor (RES)
SFA # Single-Family Attached Units
SHP Shape (COMM)
ST Number of Stories (COMM)
WH Average Wall Height (COMM)
YMBL2 MH GLA2 Length
YRWH GL2 Average Wall Height Adj (RES)