
Tax Account MH010786


200 JAMES CT #44
CARSON CITY, NV 89706-0000


Account Summary

Account ID MH010786
Account Type Personal Property
Location 200 JAMES CT
Balance $0.00
Currently Due $0.00

Current Year

Description 2024/2025 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES
Original $212.77
Total $212.77
Paid $212.77
Balance $0.00
Due $0.00
Ad Valorem Tax Rate 3.4442
Tax District 8.7 (Central Lyon Fire District)


#Due DatePenalty DateStatusOriginal TotalPenaltyTotalPaidTotal Due

Past Years

DescriptionOriginalPenaltyPaidBalanceDueTax RateTax District
2023/2024 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES$206.58$0.00$206.58$0.00$0.003.44288.7
2022/2023 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES$185.45$0.00$185.45$0.00$0.003.20988.7
2021/2022 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES$180.12$0.00$180.12$0.00$0.003.21158.7
2020/2021 UNSECURED TAXES$174.75$0.00$174.75$0.00$0.003.20948.7
2019/2020 UNSECURED TAXES$169.67$0.00$169.67$0.00$0.003.20948.7
2018/2019 UNSECURED TAXES$164.74$0.00$164.74$0.00$0.003.20948.7
2017/2018 UNSECURED TAXES$159.93$0.00$159.93$0.00$0.003.20948.7
2016/2017 UNSECURED TAXES$155.88$0.00$155.88$0.00$0.003.20948.7

Tax Bill and Payment History

DateTypeBilled to / Payer Name / NoteAmountBalance
08/14/2024PAYMENTGROSS, RHONDA ET AL CHECK 1610$-212.77$0.00
07/16/2024BILLGROSS, RHONDA ET AL$212.77$212.77
08/04/2023PAYMENTGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM CHECK 1509$-206.58$0.00
07/14/2023BILLGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM$206.58$206.58
08/11/2022PAYMENTGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM CHECK 1415$-185.45$0.00
07/28/2022AMENDMENTAMENDMENT TO PP 2023$-0.07$185.45
07/14/2022BILLGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM$185.52$185.52
07/29/2021PAYMENTGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM CHECK 1301$-180.12$0.00
07/22/2021AMENDMENTAMENDMENT TO PP 2022$0.00$180.12
07/22/2021BILLGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM$180.12$180.12
07/21/2020PAYMENTGROSS, RHONDA &JIM CHECK NUM: 1185$-174.75$0.00
07/07/2020BILLGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM$174.75$174.75
07/25/2019PAYMENTGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM CHECK NUM: 1064$-169.67$0.00
07/10/2019BILLGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM$169.67$169.67
07/18/2018PAYMENTGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM CHECK NUM: 941$-164.74$0.00
07/10/2018BILLGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM$164.74$164.74
07/19/2017PAYMENTGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM CHECK NUM: 816$-159.93$0.00
07/11/2017BILLGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM$159.93$159.93
07/27/2016PAYMENTGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM CHECK NUM: 704$-155.88$0.00
07/14/2016BILLGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM$155.88$155.88
07/20/2015PAYMENTGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM CHECK NUM: 591$-155.57$0.00
07/08/2015BILLGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM$155.57$155.57
07/23/2014PAYMENTGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM CHECK NUM: 488$-151.40$0.00
07/10/2014BILLGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM$151.40$151.40
08/02/2013PAYMENTGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM CHECK NUM: 376$-146.99$0.00
07/11/2013BILLGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM$146.99$146.99
07/27/2012PAYMENTGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM CHECK NUM: 269$-173.21$0.00
07/12/2012BILLGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM$173.21$173.21
07/26/2011PAYMENTGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM CHECK NUM: 162$-193.91$0.00
07/13/2011BILLGROSS, RHONDA OR JIM$193.91$193.91
08/06/2010PAYMENTROSS, RHONDA A. CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1031$-229.75$0.00
07/13/2010BILLROSS, RHONDA & JIM N M$229.75$229.75
07/30/2009PAYMENTROSS, RHONDA CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1222$-250.31$0.00
07/09/2009BILLROSS, RHONDA & JIM N M$250.31$250.31
08/19/2008PAYMENTROSS, RHONDA CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1079$-291.04$0.00
07/16/2008BILLROSS, RHONDA & JIM N M$291.04$291.04
02/05/2008PAYMENTARIA, THOMAS B CHECK BANK: 94-8014 NUM: 1044$-75.95$0.00
11/21/2007PAYMENTARIA, THOMAS B CHECK BANK: 94-8014 NUM: 1033$-75.95$75.95
09/12/2007PAYMENTARIA, THOMAS B CHECK BANK: 94-8014 NUM: 1023$-75.95$151.90
07/31/2007PAYMENTARIA, THOMAS B CHECK BANK: 94-8014 NUM: 94-8014$-75.95$227.85
07/13/2007BILLARIA, TOM B OR ELAIN M$303.80$303.80
11/13/2006PAYMENTARIA, THOMAS B CHECK BANK: 94-8014 NUM: 502$-160.44$0.00
09/21/2006PAYMENTARIA, TOM CHECK BANK: 75-53 NUM: 446836834$-80.22$160.44
08/15/2006PAYMENTARIA, TOM & ELAINE CHECK BANK: 75-53 NUM: 432548703$-80.25$240.66
07/18/2006BILLARIA, TOM B OR ELAIN M$320.91$320.91
02/08/2006PAYMENTARIA, TOM & ELAINE CHECK BANK: 75-53 NUM: 329495191$-270.60$0.00
01/17/2006INTERESTInstlmnt3 Interest for 2005-06$8.20$270.60
10/17/2005INTERESTInstlmnt2 Interest for 2005-06$8.20$262.40
09/26/2005PAYMENTARIA, TOM & ELAINE CHECK BANK: 75-53 NUM: 679265182$-82.00$254.20
08/26/2005INTERESTInstlmnt1 Interest for 2005-06$8.20$336.20
07/26/2005BILLARIA, TOM B OR ELAIN M$328.00$328.00
06/08/2005PAYMENTARIA, TOM & ELAINE CHECK BANK: 75-53 NUM: 780183604$-104.82$0.00
05/18/2005AMENDMENTCERT SEIZURE FEES$8.84$104.82
03/21/2005INTERESTInstlmnt4 Interest for 2004-05$8.73$95.98
03/07/2005PAYMENTARIA, TOM B OR ELAINE CHECK BANK: 75-53 NUM: 580384324$-104.71$87.25
01/26/2005PAYMENTARIA, TOM & ELAINE CHECK BANK: 75--53 NUM: 794308307$-87.25$191.96
01/14/2005INTERESTInstlmnt3 Interest for 2004-05$8.73$279.21
10/18/2004INTERESTInstlmnt2 Interest for 2004-05$8.73$270.48
08/24/2004PAYMENTARIA, TOM & ELAINE CHECK BANK: 75-53 NUM: 570047516$-87.25$261.75
07/08/2004BILLARIA, TOM B OR ELAIN M$349.00$349.00
03/02/2004PAYMENTARIA, TOM & ELAINE CHECK BANK: 75-53 NUM: 451698467$-87.90$0.00
12/10/2003PAYMENTARIA, TOM & ELAINE CHECK BANK: 82-40 NUM: 615657270$-87.90$87.90
10/20/2003PAYMENTARIA, TOM B OR ELAINE CHECK BANK: 82-40 NUM: 838665574$-184.56$175.80
09/03/2003INTERESTInstlmnt1 Interest for 2003-04$8.79$360.36
07/29/2003PAYMENTARIA, TOM & ELAINE CHECK BANK: 82-40 NUM: 694574152$-115.00$351.57
07/23/2003BILLARIA, TOM B OR ELAIN M$351.63$466.57
03/17/2003INTERESTInstlmnt4 Interest for 2002-03$8.84$106.10
03/10/2003PAYMENTARIA, TOM & ELAINE (M.O.) CHECK BANK: 82-40 NUM: 97239651$-88.42$97.26
01/21/2003INTERESTInstlmnt3 Interest for 2002-03$8.84$185.68
10/07/2002PAYMENTARIA, ELAINE (MONEY ORDER) CHECK BANK: 82-40 NUM: 68777572$-89.02$176.84
10/07/2002AMENDMENTdelete pen$-0.06$265.86
08/30/2002INTERESTInstlmnt1 Interest for 2002-03$0.06$265.92
08/22/2002PAYMENTARIA, TOM & ELAINE CHECK BANK: 82-40 NUM: 44097836$-88.03$265.86
07/10/2002BILLARIA, TOM B OR ELAIN M$353.89$353.89
08/30/2001PAYMENTGREENPOINT CREDIT CHECK BANK: 90-4182 NUM: 906533228$-374.65$0.00
07/13/2001BILLARIA, TOM B OR ELAIN M$374.65$374.65
06/04/2001PAYMENTGREENPOINT CREDIT CHECK BANK: 90-4182 NUM: 906532049$-115.78$0.00
03/15/2001INTERESTInstlmnt4 Interest for 2000-01$9.65$115.78
02/06/2001PAYMENTARIA, TOM CHECK BANK: 82-40 NUM: 242531007$-96.48$106.13
01/17/2001INTERESTInstlmnt3 Interest for 2000-01$9.65$202.61
09/29/2000PAYMENTARIA, TOM CHECK BANK: 82-40 NUM: 136397203$-96.48$192.96
08/08/2000PAYMENTARIA, TOM & ELAINE CHECK BANK: 82-40 NUM: 2950331$-96.71$289.44
07/14/2000BILLARIA, TOM B OR ELAIN M$386.15$386.15
10/14/1999PAYMENTHOMES AMERICA CHECK BANK: 94-169 NUM: 36792$-442.76$0.00
09/01/1999INTERESTInstlmnt1 Interest for 1999-00$10.82$442.76
07/20/1999BILLLAKE, THOMAS OR HALLI$431.94$431.94