
Tax Account MH002223




Account Summary

Account ID MH002223
Account Type Personal Property
Location 137 BURKE DR
Balance $0.00
Currently Due $0.00

Current Year

Description 2024/2025 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES
Original $88.49
Total $88.49
Paid $88.49
Balance $0.00
Due $0.00
Ad Valorem Tax Rate 3.5117
Tax District 4.0 (Smith Valley Fire Protection)


#Due DatePenalty DateStatusOriginal TotalPenaltyTotalPaidTotal Due

Past Years

DescriptionOriginalPenaltyPaidBalanceDueTax RateTax District
2023/2024 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES$88.44$0.00$88.44$0.00$0.003.50964.0
2022/2023 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES$88.44$0.00$88.44$0.00$0.003.50964.0
2021/2022 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES$88.53$0.00$88.53$0.00$0.003.51304.0
2020/2021 UNSECURED TAXES$88.02$0.00$88.02$0.00$0.003.49274.0
2019/2020 UNSECURED TAXES$87.43$0.00$87.43$0.00$0.003.49274.0
2018/2019 UNSECURED TAXES$86.94$0.00$86.94$0.00$0.003.49274.0
2017/2018 UNSECURED TAXES$85.70$0.00$85.70$0.00$0.003.49274.0
2016/2017 UNSECURED TAXES$86.26$0.00$86.26$0.00$0.003.49274.0

Tax Bill and Payment History

DateTypeBilled to / Payer Name / NoteAmountBalance
08/01/2024PAYMENTGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS CHECK 0009724395$-88.49$0.00
07/16/2024BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$88.49$88.49
08/10/2023PAYMENTGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS CHECK 0054969336$-88.44$0.00
07/14/2023BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$88.44$88.44
08/12/2022PAYMENTGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS CHECK 0020568209$-88.44$0.00
07/28/2022AMENDMENTAMENDMENT TO PP 2023$-0.09$88.44
07/14/2022BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$88.53$88.53
08/09/2021PAYMENTGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE CHECK 0024170347$-88.53$0.00
07/22/2021AMENDMENTAMENDMENT TO PP 2022$0.00$88.53
07/22/2021BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$88.53$88.53
07/31/2020PAYMENTGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS CHECK NUM: 0024850271$-88.02$0.00
07/07/2020BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$88.02$88.02
08/21/2019PAYMENTGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS CHECK NUM: 0030693757$-87.43$0.00
07/10/2019BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$87.43$87.43
07/18/2018PAYMENTGORDON, GAYE CORK: D BANK: WF INTERNET NUM: 018071723103544$-86.94$0.00
07/10/2018BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$86.94$86.94
09/06/2017PAYMENTGORDON, GAYE CORK: D BANK: WF INTERNET NUM: 017081523094901$-85.70$0.00
09/06/2017AMENDMENTBill pay file rec 20170815$-8.57$85.70
09/01/2017INTERESTInstlmnt1 Interest for 2017-18$8.57$94.27
07/11/2017BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$85.70$85.70
07/19/2016PAYMENTGAYE GORDON CORK: D BANK: WF INTERNET NUM: 016071923103117$-86.26$0.00
07/14/2016BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$86.26$86.26
07/20/2015PAYMENTGORDON, GAYE E CHECK NUM: 6900$-86.30$0.00
07/08/2015BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$86.30$86.30
08/22/2014PAYMENTGORDON, GAYE E CASH NUM: *$-85.64$0.00
07/10/2014BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$85.64$85.64
08/20/2013PAYMENTGORDON, GAYE CHECK NUM: 6831$-84.85$0.00
07/11/2013BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$84.85$84.85
08/22/2012PAYMENTGORDON, GAYE E CHECK NUM: 6638$-82.39$0.00
07/12/2012BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$82.39$82.39
07/27/2011PAYMENTGORDON, GAYE CHECK NUM: 6590$-81.65$0.00
07/13/2011BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$81.65$81.65
08/03/2010PAYMENTGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 6545$-80.76$0.00
07/13/2010BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$80.76$80.76
07/21/2009PAYMENTGORDON, GUY CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 6450$-80.70$0.00
07/09/2009BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$80.70$80.70
07/25/2008PAYMENTGORDON, GAYE CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 6402$-80.29$0.00
07/16/2008BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$80.29$80.29
07/25/2007PAYMENTGORDON, GAYE E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 6316$-80.29$0.00
07/13/2007BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$80.29$80.29
07/31/2006PAYMENTGORDON, GUY E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 6223$-80.29$0.00
07/18/2006BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$80.29$80.29
08/04/2005PAYMENTGORDON, GAYE E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 6094$-80.29$0.00
07/26/2005BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$80.29$80.29
07/19/2004PAYMENTGORDON, GAYE E CHECK BANK: 94-774 NUM: 5842$-80.29$0.00
07/08/2004BILLGORDON, GUY & EKHOLM, GAYE TRS$80.29$80.29
08/04/2003PAYMENTGORDON, GAYE E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 5635$-79.31$0.00
07/23/2003BILLGOODMAN, KATHERINE$79.31$79.31
08/16/2002PAYMENTGOODMAN, KATHERINE CHECK BANK: 16-1606 NUM: 1564$-73.61$0.00
07/10/2002BILLGOODMAN, KATHERINE$73.61$73.61
07/25/2001PAYMENTEKHOLM, GAYE A CHECK BANK: 11-4288 NUM: 4712$-232.30$0.00
07/20/2001PENALTYPublication & Sale Costs$80.44$232.30
07/13/2001BILLGOODMAN, KATHERINE$72.66$151.86
09/06/2000INTERESTInstlmnt1 Interest for 2000-01$7.20$79.20
07/14/2000BILLGOODMAN, KATHERINE$72.00$72.00
08/12/1999PAYMENTMOOREHEAD, EMMA M. CHECK BANK: 16-1606 NUM: 1082$-75.48$0.00
07/20/1999BILLGOODMAN, KATHERINE$75.48$75.48