
Tax Account FE001054


LOS ANGELES, CA 90034-0000


Account Summary

Account ID FE001054
Account Type Personal Property
Location 945 E MAIN ST
Balance $0.00
Currently Due $0.00

Current Year

Description 2024/2025 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES
Original $0.00
Total $0.00
Paid $0.00
Balance $0.00
Due $0.00
Ad Valorem Tax Rate 3.6566
Tax District 6.0 (City of Fernley)

Past Years

DescriptionOriginalPenaltyPaidBalanceDueTax RateTax District
2023/2024 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.003.65516.0
2022/2023 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.003.61276.0
2021/2022 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES$10.74$0.00$10.74$0.00$0.003.61606.0
2020/2021 UNSECURED TAXES$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.006.3
2019/2020 UNSECURED TAXES$15.06$0.00$15.06$0.00$0.003.61316.0
2018/2019 UNSECURED TAXES$15.16$1.52$16.68$0.00$0.003.61316.0
2016/2017 UNSECURED TAXES$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.006.0

Tax Bill and Payment History

DateTypeBilled to / Payer Name / NoteAmountBalance
11/25/2024BILLRENO/VILLA PARK LLC$0.00$0.00
11/21/2024BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
09/07/2023BILLRENO/VILLA PARK LLC$0.00$0.00
08/29/2023BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
09/06/2022AMENDMENTAMENDMENT TO PP 2023$0.00$0.00
09/06/2022BILLRENO/VILLA PARK LLC$0.00$0.00
09/01/2022BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
09/28/2021PAYMENTRENO/VILLA PARK LLC CHECK 1620750$-10.74$0.00
08/30/2021BILLRENO/VILLA PARK LLC$10.74$10.74
11/20/2020BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
09/18/2019PAYMENTRENO/VILLA PARK LLC CHECK NUM: 1620157$-15.06$0.00
08/21/2019BILLRENO/VILLA PARK LLC$15.06$15.06
11/16/2018PAYMENTFERNLEY VILLA LLC CHECK NUM: 1797$-16.68$0.00
10/12/2018INTERESTInstlmnt2 Interest for 2018-19$1.52$16.68
08/22/2018BILLVILLA PARK$15.16$15.16
09/07/2016BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
08/31/2015BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
09/04/2014BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
10/08/2013BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
10/09/2012BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
10/04/2011BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
09/29/2010BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
10/08/2009BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
10/27/2008BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
10/22/2007BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
09/27/2006BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
09/15/2005BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
11/10/2004BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
12/09/2003BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
09/25/2003BILLBelow minimum amount to Bill$0.00$0.00
09/30/2002PAYMENTVILLA PARK CHECK BANK: 94-77 NUM: 4841$-16.25$0.00
09/12/2002BILLVILLA PARK$16.25$16.25
11/06/2001PAYMENTVILLA PARK CHECK BANK: 94-77 NUM: 4468$-21.43$0.00
10/10/2001BILLVILLA PARK$21.43$21.43
10/16/2000PAYMENTVILLA PARK CHECK BANK: 94-77 NUM: 3990$-15.61$0.00
10/05/2000BILLVILLA PARK$15.61$15.61
11/09/1999PAYMENTVILLA PARK CHECK BANK: 94-77 NUM: 3622$-15.68$0.00
10/19/1999BILLVILLA PARK$15.68$15.68