
Tax Account 016-091-34


P O BOX 2239
DAYTON, NV 89403-0000

Account Summary

Account ID 016-091-34
Account Type Real Estate
Location 0
Balance $73.78
Currently Due $73.78

Current Year

Description 2024/2025 REAL ESTATE TAXES
Original $73.78
Total $73.78
Paid $0.00
Balance $73.78
Due $73.78
Ad Valorem Tax Rate 3.3992
Tax District 9.1 (Central Lyon Non Vector Dist)
Tax Cap 100% High 8.0%


#Due DatePenalty DateStatusOriginal TotalPenaltyTotalPaidTotal DuePay Now
210/07/202410/17/2024Not due$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$73.78
301/06/202501/16/2025Not due$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$73.78
403/03/202503/13/2025Not due$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$73.78

Past Years

DescriptionOriginalPenaltyPaidBalanceDueTax RateTax District
2023/2024 REAL ESTATE TAXES$68.47$0.00$68.47$0.00$0.003.39789.1
2022/2023 REAL ESTATE TAXES$58.12$0.00$58.12$0.00$0.003.16489.1
2021/2022 REAL ESTATE TAXES$53.94$0.00$53.94$0.00$0.003.16659.1
2020/2021 SECURED TAXES$49.23$0.00$49.23$0.00$0.003.16449.1
2019/2020 SECURED TAXES$46.20$0.00$46.20$0.00$0.003.16449.1
2018/2019 SECURED TAXES$44.03$0.00$44.03$0.00$0.003.16449.1
2017/2018 SECURED TAXES$42.30$0.00$42.30$0.00$0.003.16449.1
2016/2017 SECURED TAXES$41.29$0.00$41.29$0.00$0.003.16449.1

Special Assessments and Other Fees

2024-2025S32Dayton Valley GW1.82.001.821.82
2023-2024S32Dayton Valley GW1.821.82.00.00
2022-2023S32Dayton Valley GW1.971.97.00.00
2021-2022S32Dayton Valley GW1.961.96.00.00
2020-2021S32Dayton Valley GW1.
2019-2020S32Dayton Valley GW1.
2018-2019S32Dayton Valley GW1.
2017-2018S32Dayton Valley GW1.
2016-2017S32Dayton Valley GW1.

Tax Bill and Payment History

DateTypeBilled to / Payer Name / NoteAmountBalance
07/16/2024BILLV & T MANAGEMENT$73.78$73.78
09/01/2023PAYMENTV & T DEVELOPMENT LLC CHECK 3431$-68.47$0.00
07/17/2023BILLV & T MANAGEMENT$68.47$68.47
08/08/2022PAYMENTVT MANAGEMENT PNP PNP - 118945742$-58.12$0.00
08/04/2022AMENDMENTAMENDMENT TO RE 2023$0.00$58.12
07/15/2022BILLV & T MANAGEMENT$58.12$58.12
08/19/2021PAYMENTVT MANAGEMENT PNP PNP - 98997056$-53.94$0.00
07/14/2021BILLV & T MANAGEMENT$53.94$53.94
08/20/2020PAYMENTV & T MANAGEMENT LLC CHECK NUM: 2773$-49.23$0.00
07/09/2020BILLV & T MANAGEMENT$49.23$49.23
08/20/2019PAYMENTV & T MANAGEMENT LLC CHECK NUM: 2608$-46.20$0.00
07/10/2019BILLV & T MANAGEMENT$46.20$46.20
08/27/2018PAYMENTV&T MANAGEMENT LLC CHECK NUM: 3114$-44.03$0.00
07/10/2018BILLV & T MANAGEMENT$44.03$44.03
09/27/2017PAYMENTAmend: Auto Restore Payment CHECK NUM: 2869$-42.30$0.00
09/27/2017AMENDMENTwaive penalty$-1.69$42.30
09/27/2017ADJUSTAmend: Auto Adj Out Payment NUM: 2869$42.30$43.99
09/01/2017VOIDV&T MANAGEMENT LLC CHECK NUM: 2869$-42.30$1.69
09/01/2017PENALTYInstlmnt 1 Penalty for 2017-18$1.69$43.99
07/10/2017BILLV & T MANAGEMENT$42.30$42.30
08/23/2016PAYMENTV & T MANAGEMENT LLC CHECK NUM: 2619$-41.29$0.00
07/11/2016BILLV & T MANAGEMENT$41.29$41.29
08/26/2015PAYMENTV&T MANAGEMENT, LLC CHECK NUM: 2392$-41.11$0.00
07/07/2015BILLV & T MANAGEMENT$41.11$41.11
08/29/2014PAYMENTV & T MANAGEMENT LLC CHECK NUM: 2158$-40.96$0.00
07/08/2014BILLV & T MANAGEMENT$40.96$40.96
08/29/2013PAYMENTV & T MANAGEMENT LLC CHECK NUM: 1903$-40.72$0.00
07/08/2013BILLV & T MANAGEMENT$40.72$40.72