07/16/2024 | BILL | USA-BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT | $0.00 | $0.00 |
07/17/2023 | BILL | USA-BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT | $0.00 | $0.00 |
07/15/2022 | BILL | USA-BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT | $0.00 | $0.00 |
07/14/2021 | BILL | USA-BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT | $0.00 | $0.00 |
07/25/2017 | PAYMENT | DEPAOLI, ROBERT CHECK NUM: 10288 | $-1.11 | $0.00 |
07/10/2017 | BILL | USA-BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT | $1.11 | $1.11 |
08/20/2010 | PAYMENT | DEPAOLI, ROBERT & DEBRA CHECK BANK: 94-77 NUM: 8210 | $-2.00 | $0.00 |
07/08/2010 | BILL | USA-BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT | $2.00 | $2.00 |
06/14/2010 | AMENDMENT | DELETE .04 | $-0.04 | $0.00 |
06/03/2010 | PAYMENT | DEPAOLI, ROBERT & DEBRA CHECK BANK: 94-77 NUM: 8155 | $-6.00 | $0.04 |
06/03/2010 | AMENDMENT | Remove Int/Pd on time | $-0.17 | $6.04 |
06/01/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.21 | $6.21 |
05/06/2010 | AMENDMENT | Del/per Div of Water | $2.00 | $6.00 |
05/06/2010 | AMENDMENT | Del/per Div of Water | $2.00 | $4.00 |
05/06/2010 | AMENDMENT | CORRECT 2008/GROUND WATER | $2.00 | $2.00 |
05/06/2010 | AMENDMENT | Del/per Div of Water Resources | $-2.00 | $0.00 |
05/06/2010 | AMENDMENT | Del/per Div of Water Resources | $-2.00 | $2.00 |
05/06/2010 | AMENDMENT | Del/per Div of Water Resources | $-2.00 | $4.00 |
05/04/2010 | AMENDMENT | Del Pen/Sent to Leasee | $-0.02 | $6.00 |
05/04/2010 | AMENDMENT | Del Pen/Sent to Leasee | $-0.02 | $6.02 |
05/03/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.04 | $6.04 |
04/30/2010 | AMENDMENT | Del pen/Sent to Leasee | $-0.44 | $6.00 |
04/30/2010 | AMENDMENT | Del pen/Sent to Leasee | $-0.83 | $6.44 |
04/30/2010 | AMENDMENT | Del pen/Sent to Leasee | $-1.09 | $7.27 |
04/27/2010 | AMENDMENT | Delete Publishing Fees 2008 | $-6.00 | $8.36 |
03/31/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.04 | $14.36 |
03/12/2010 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2009-10 | $0.14 | $14.32 |
03/01/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.04 | $14.18 |
02/01/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.04 | $14.14 |
01/15/2010 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2009-10 | $0.12 | $14.10 |
01/04/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.04 | $13.98 |
12/01/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.04 | $13.94 |
11/03/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.04 | $13.90 |
10/16/2009 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2009-10 | $0.10 | $13.86 |
10/05/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.04 | $13.76 |
09/01/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.04 | $13.72 |
08/31/2009 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2009-10 | $0.08 | $13.68 |
08/03/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.04 | $13.60 |
07/06/2009 | BILL | USA-BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT | $2.00 | $13.56 |
07/01/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.04 | $11.56 |
07/01/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.04 | $11.52 |
06/01/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.19 | $11.48 |
05/01/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.02 | $11.29 |
04/01/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.02 | $11.27 |
03/13/2009 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2008-09 | $0.14 | $11.25 |
03/02/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.02 | $11.11 |
02/03/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.02 | $11.09 |
01/16/2009 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2008-09 | $0.12 | $11.07 |
01/05/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.02 | $10.95 |
12/01/2008 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.02 | $10.93 |
11/03/2008 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.02 | $10.91 |
10/17/2008 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2008-09 | $0.10 | $10.89 |
10/01/2008 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.02 | $10.79 |
09/02/2008 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.02 | $10.77 |
08/29/2008 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2008-09 | $0.08 | $10.75 |
08/04/2008 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.02 | $10.67 |
07/15/2008 | BILL | USA-BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT | $2.00 | $10.65 |
07/01/2008 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.02 | $8.65 |
07/01/2008 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.02 | $8.63 |
06/02/2008 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.17 | $8.61 |
04/28/2008 | PENALTY | Publication Cost for Delinqncy | $6.00 | $8.44 |
03/14/2008 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2007-08 | $0.14 | $2.44 |
01/18/2008 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2007-08 | $0.12 | $2.30 |
10/12/2007 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2007-08 | $0.10 | $2.18 |
08/31/2007 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2007-08 | $0.08 | $2.08 |
07/12/2007 | BILL | USA-BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT | $2.00 | $2.00 |
11/17/2006 | PAYMENT | EXEMPT PROPERTIES/GROUND WATER CASH | $-2.18 | $0.00 |
10/13/2006 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2006-07 | $0.10 | $2.18 |
09/01/2006 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2006-07 | $0.08 | $2.08 |
07/12/2006 | BILL | USA-BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT | $2.00 | $2.00 |
04/03/2006 | PAYMENT | CASH CASH | $-2.44 | $0.00 |
03/17/2006 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2005-06 | $0.14 | $2.44 |
01/13/2006 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2005-06 | $0.12 | $2.30 |
10/14/2005 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2005-06 | $0.10 | $2.18 |
08/26/2005 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2005-06 | $0.08 | $2.08 |
07/15/2005 | BILL | USA-BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT | $2.00 | $2.00 |