
Tax Account 015-121-19


P O BOX 273
VERDI, NV 89439-0000


Account Summary

Account ID 015-121-19
Account Type Real Estate
Location 0 OPAL AVE
Balance $0.00
Currently Due $0.00

Current Year

Description 2024/2025 REAL ESTATE TAXES
Original $470.10
Total $470.10
Paid $470.10
Balance $0.00
Due $0.00
Ad Valorem Tax Rate 3.4892
Tax District 8.2 (Central Lyon Fire District)
Tax Cap 100% High 8.0%


#Due DatePenalty DateStatusOriginal TotalPenaltyTotalPaidTotal Due

Past Years

DescriptionOriginalPenaltyPaidBalanceDueTax RateTax District
2023/2024 REAL ESTATE TAXES$435.46$0.00$435.46$0.00$0.003.48788.2
2022/2023 REAL ESTATE TAXES$373.51$0.00$373.51$0.00$0.003.25488.2
2021/2022 REAL ESTATE TAXES$345.99$0.00$345.99$0.00$0.003.25658.2
2020/2021 SECURED TAXES$319.66$0.00$319.66$0.00$0.003.25448.2
2019/2020 SECURED TAXES$299.66$0.00$299.66$0.00$0.003.25448.2
2018/2019 SECURED TAXES$285.43$0.00$285.43$0.00$0.003.25448.2
2017/2018 SECURED TAXES$283.20$0.00$283.20$0.00$0.003.25448.2
2016/2017 SECURED TAXES$276.08$42.41$318.49$0.00$0.003.25448.2

Special Assessments and Other Fees

2024-2025S31Churchill Valley GW2.
2023-2024S31Churchill Valley GW2.
2022-2023S31Churchill Valley GW2.
2021-2022S31Churchill Valley GW2.
2020-2021S31Churchill Valley GW1.
2019-2020S31Churchill Valley GW1.
2018-2019S31Churchill Valley GW1.
2017-2018S31Churchill Valley GW1.
2016-2017S31Churchill Valley GW1.

Tax Bill and Payment History

DateTypeBilled to / Payer Name / NoteAmountBalance
08/22/2024PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M CHECK 111$-470.10$0.00
07/16/2024BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$470.10$470.10
08/22/2023PAYMENTLINDA KLAMM PNP PNP - 141367403$-435.46$0.00
07/17/2023BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$435.46$435.46
08/24/2022PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S & KLAMM, LINDA CHECK 782$-373.51$0.00
07/15/2022BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$373.51$373.51
09/08/2021PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY CHECK 765$-345.99$0.00
07/14/2021BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$345.99$345.99
08/20/2020PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S CHECK NUM: 0508$-319.66$0.00
07/09/2020BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$319.66$319.66
08/13/2019PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S CHECK NUM: 692$-299.66$0.00
07/10/2019BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$299.66$299.66
07/30/2018PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S CHECK NUM: 626$-285.43$0.00
07/10/2018BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$285.43$285.43
08/14/2017PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M CHECK NUM: 569$-283.20$0.00
07/10/2017BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$283.20$283.20
04/21/2017PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S CHECK NUM: 560$-318.49$0.00
03/17/2017PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2016-17$19.33$317.49
01/17/2017PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 2016-17$12.42$298.16
10/14/2016PENALTYInstlmnt 2 Penalty for 2016-17$6.90$285.74
08/26/2016PENALTYInstlmnt 1 Penalty for 2016-17$2.76$278.84
07/11/2016BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$276.08$276.08
10/15/2015PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY CHECK NUM: 502$-278.80$0.00
08/28/2015PENALTYInstlmnt 1 Penalty for 2015-16$2.88$278.80
07/07/2015BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$275.92$275.92
09/12/2014PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY CHECK NUM: 450$-278.62$0.00
08/29/2014PENALTYInstlmnt 1 Penalty for 2014-15$2.87$278.62
07/08/2014BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$275.75$275.75
08/01/2013PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S CHECK NUM: 353$-275.75$0.00
07/08/2013BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$275.75$275.75
08/27/2012PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY CHECK NUM: 297$-415.42$0.00
07/10/2012BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$415.42$415.42
08/23/2011PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S CHECK NUM: 225$-390.44$0.00
07/08/2011BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$390.44$390.44
08/17/2010PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY CHECK BANK: 94-8018 NUM: 107$-363.14$0.00
07/08/2010BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$363.14$363.14
08/19/2009PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY CHECK BANK: 94-8019 NUM: 1$-336.86$0.00
07/06/2009BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$336.86$336.86
08/22/2008PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M CORK: B BANK: 90-7131 NUM: 2278$-311.90$0.00
07/15/2008BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$311.90$311.90
08/21/2007PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S CHECK BANK: 90-7131 NUM: 2162$-288.79$0.00
07/12/2007BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$288.79$288.79
08/03/2006PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M CHECK BANK: 90-7131 NUM: 2013$-267.41$0.00
07/12/2006BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$267.41$267.41
08/17/2005PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S. CHECK BANK: 90-7131 NUM: 1892$-247.60$0.00
07/15/2005BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$247.60$247.60
08/20/2004PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M CHECK BANK: 90-7131 NUM: 1745$-229.26$0.00
07/08/2004BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$229.26$229.26
04/22/2004PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M CHECK BANK: 90-7131 NUM: 1712$-260.92$0.00
03/15/2004PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2003-04$15.88$260.92
01/20/2004PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 2003-04$10.21$245.04
10/20/2003PENALTYInstlmnt 2 Penalty for 2003-04$5.67$234.83
09/02/2003PENALTYInstlmnt 1 Penalty for 2003-04$2.27$229.16
07/18/2003BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$226.89$226.89
08/23/2002PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S CHECK BANK: 90-7131 NUM: 1431$-219.54$0.00
07/12/2002BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$219.54$219.54
08/29/2001PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S CHECK BANK: 90-7131 NUM: 1278$-215.83$0.00
07/12/2001BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$215.83$215.83
09/04/2000PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M CHECK BANK: 90-7131 NUM: 1133$-211.48$0.00
07/17/2000BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$211.48$211.48
08/23/1999PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M CHECK BANK: 90-7131 NUM: 996$-223.29$0.00
07/17/1999BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$223.29$223.29
09/09/1998PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M CHECK$-227.33$2.28
08/31/1998PENALTYInstlmnt 1 Penalty for 1998-99$2.28$229.61
07/13/1998BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$227.33$227.33
08/28/1997PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M CHECK$-225.77$0.00
07/14/1997BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$225.77$225.77
09/09/1996PAYMENTPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$-293.89$0.00
08/02/1996INTERESTMonthly Interest$0.46$293.89
07/18/1996BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$224.53$293.43
07/15/1996PENALTYPenalty & Intrest on 95-96 Tax$14.21$68.90
07/01/1995BILLPAVLIK, RUDY S & DEBORAH M$54.69$54.69