
Tax Account 010-281-29


WELLINGTON, NV 89444-0000


Account Summary

Account ID 010-281-29
Account Type Real Estate
Location 142 ARTIST VIEW RD
Balance $535.00
Currently Due $535.00

Current Year

Description 2024/2025 REAL ESTATE TAXES
Original $2,143.96
Total $2,143.96
Paid $1,608.96
Balance $535.00
Due $535.00
Ad Valorem Tax Rate 3.5117
Tax District 4.0 (Smith Valley Fire Protection)
Tax Cap 100% Low 3%


#Due DatePenalty DateStatusOriginal TotalPenaltyTotalPaidTotal DuePay Now

Past Years

DescriptionOriginalPenaltyPaidBalanceDueTax RateTax District
2023/2024 REAL ESTATE TAXES$2,082.28$0.00$2,082.28$0.00$0.003.50964.0
2022/2023 REAL ESTATE TAXES$2,012.03$0.00$2,012.03$0.00$0.003.50964.0
2021/2022 REAL ESTATE TAXES$1,953.91$0.00$1,953.91$0.00$0.003.51304.0
2020/2021 SECURED TAXES$1,897.47$19.50$1,916.97$0.00$0.003.49274.0
2019/2020 SECURED TAXES$1,842.68$0.00$1,842.68$0.00$0.003.49274.0
2018/2019 SECURED TAXES$1,784.16$0.00$1,784.16$0.00$0.003.49274.0
2017/2018 SECURED TAXES$1,732.52$0.00$1,732.52$0.00$0.003.49274.0
2016/2017 SECURED TAXES$1,687.25$17.76$1,705.01$0.00$0.003.49274.0

Special Assessments and Other Fees

2024-2025S21Weed Tax26.6820.106.586.58
2023-2024S21Weed Tax26.6826.68.00.00
2022-2023S21Weed Tax16.3016.30.00.00
2021-2022S21Weed Tax16.3016.30.00.00
2020-2021S21Weed Tax16.3016.30.00.00
2019-2020S21Weed Tax16.3016.30.00.00
2018-2019S21Weed Tax10.9710.97.00.00
2017-2018S21Weed Tax10.9710.97.00.00
2016-2017S21Weed Tax9.349.34.00.00

Tax Bill and Payment History

DateTypeBilled to / Payer Name / NoteAmountBalance
12/16/2024PAYMENTBLANKS, SHARON E CHECK 988$-535.00$535.00
10/09/2024PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK 951$-535.00$1,070.00
08/14/2024PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK 925$-538.96$1,605.00
07/16/2024BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$2,143.96$2,143.96
03/04/2024PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK 851$-520.00$0.00
11/15/2023PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK 794$-520.00$520.00
09/27/2023PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK 770$-520.00$1,040.00
07/28/2023PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK 740$-522.28$1,560.00
07/17/2023BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$2,082.28$2,082.28
03/16/2023PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK 684$-502.00$0.00
01/05/2023PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK 658$-502.00$502.00
10/07/2022PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK 611$-502.00$1,004.00
08/25/2022PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK 588$-506.03$1,506.00
07/15/2022BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$2,012.03$2,012.03
03/10/2022PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK 517$-468.89$0.00
12/28/2021PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK 0503$-488.43$468.89
10/13/2021PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK 0465$-507.97$957.32
08/19/2021PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK CK. 442$-488.62$1,465.29
07/14/2021BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,953.91$1,953.91
02/19/2021PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK CK.#372$-470.00$0.00
12/29/2020PAYMENTBLANKS, SHARON E CHECK 944$-470.00$470.00
10/15/2020PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 907$-470.00$940.00
08/28/2020PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 879$-506.97$1,410.00
08/28/2020PENALTYInstlmnt 1 Penalty for 2020-21$19.50$1,916.97
07/09/2020BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,897.47$1,897.47
02/28/2020PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 786$-456.00$0.00
12/30/2019PAYMENTBLANKS, SHARON E CHECK NUM: 745$-456.00$456.00
10/16/2019PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 690$-456.00$912.00
08/21/2019PAYMENTBLANKS, SHARON E CHECK NUM: 650$-474.68$1,368.00
07/10/2019BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,842.68$1,842.68
03/05/2019PAYMENTBLANKS, SHARON E CHECK NUM: 559$-443.00$0.00
12/21/2018PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 461$-443.00$443.00
09/25/2018PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 410$-443.00$886.00
07/30/2018PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 382$-455.16$1,329.00
07/10/2018BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,784.16$1,784.16
02/21/2018PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 292$-430.00$0.00
12/27/2017PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 255$-430.00$430.00
09/26/2017PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 217$-430.00$860.00
07/24/2017PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 177$-442.52$1,290.00
07/10/2017BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,732.52$1,732.52
04/04/2017PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 123$-436.76$0.00
03/17/2017PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2016-17$16.76$435.76
11/28/2016PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 593$-419.00$419.00
10/05/2016PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 556$-419.00$838.00
07/26/2016PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 523$-430.25$1,257.00
07/11/2016BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,687.25$1,687.25
04/21/2016PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 471$-435.72$0.00
03/18/2016PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2015-16$16.72$434.72
12/23/2015PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 401$-418.00$418.00
09/22/2015PAYMENTBLANKS, SHARON E/GERALD D CHECK NUM: 358$-418.00$836.00
07/23/2015PAYMENTWFG LENDER SERVICES LLC CHECK NUM: 134098$-428.05$1,254.00
07/07/2015BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,682.05$1,682.05
03/13/2015PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 031$-406.00$0.00
12/26/2014PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 190$-406.00$406.00
09/30/2014PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 128$-406.00$812.00
08/21/2014PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 97$-415.28$1,218.00
07/08/2014BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,633.28$1,633.28
06/25/2014PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 73$-16.95$0.00
06/02/2014INTERESTMonthly Interest$1.19$16.95
04/03/2014PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 004$-827.40$15.76
03/14/2014PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2013-14$39.40$843.16
01/21/2014PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 2013-14$15.76$803.76
01/09/2014PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 770$-409.76$788.00
10/18/2013PENALTYInstlmnt 2 Penalty for 2013-14$15.76$1,197.76
08/23/2013PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 685$-446.36$1,182.00
07/08/2013BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,587.80$1,628.36
07/08/2013INTERESTMonthly Interest$0.28$40.56
07/01/2013INTERESTMonthly Interest$0.28$40.28
06/04/2013PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 644$-442.20$40.00
06/01/2013INTERESTMonthly Interest$33.50$482.20
05/02/2013PENALTYPublication Cost for Delinqncy$6.50$448.70
04/01/2013PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 613$-418.08$442.20
03/15/2013PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2012-13$40.20$860.28
01/18/2013PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 2012-13$16.08$820.08
12/13/2012PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 1229$-418.08$804.00
10/12/2012PENALTYInstlmnt 2 Penalty for 2012-13$16.08$1,222.08
08/24/2012PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 1220$-419.57$1,206.00
07/10/2012BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,625.57$1,625.57
03/16/2012PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 1200$-441.00$0.00
03/15/2012PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2011-12$17.64$458.64
01/11/2012PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 365$-441.00$441.00
11/08/2011PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 337$-458.64$882.00
10/14/2011PENALTYInstlmnt 2 Penalty for 2011-12$17.64$1,340.64
08/23/2011PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 290$-455.78$1,323.00
07/08/2011BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,778.78$1,778.78
04/27/2011PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 303$-477.36$0.00
03/18/2011PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2010-11$18.36$477.36
01/10/2011PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK NUM: 1167$-459.00$459.00
12/15/2010PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 90-7562 NUM: 1098$-477.36$918.00
10/15/2010PENALTYInstlmnt 2 Penalty for 2010-11$18.36$1,395.36
08/25/2010PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 136$-481.48$1,377.00
07/08/2010BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,858.48$1,858.48
04/30/2010PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1417$-470.34$0.00
04/27/2010PENALTYPublication Cost for Delinqncy$6.50$470.34
03/12/2010PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2009-10$17.84$463.84
01/13/2010PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1344$-446.00$446.00
10/07/2009PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1251$-446.00$892.00
08/17/2009PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1214$-469.00$1,338.00
07/06/2009BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,807.00$1,807.00
04/29/2009PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1115$-456.82$0.00
04/27/2009PENALTYPublication Cost for Delinqncy$6.50$456.82
03/13/2009PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2008-09$17.32$450.32
01/02/2009PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 90-7562 NUM: 1083$-433.00$433.00
10/07/2008PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1583$-433.00$866.00
08/22/2008PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 90-7562 NUM: 1063$-462.99$1,299.00
07/15/2008BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,761.99$1,761.99
04/03/2008PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 90-7562 NUM: 1052$-410.59$0.00
03/14/2008PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2007-08$15.79$410.59
01/31/2008PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 90-7562 NUM: 1048$-462.00$394.80
01/18/2008PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 2007-08$16.80$856.80
10/02/2007PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1145$-420.00$840.00
08/23/2007PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1096$-450.15$1,260.00
07/12/2007BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,710.15$1,710.15
03/08/2007PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 928$-408.00$0.00
01/08/2007PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 866$-408.00$408.00
10/03/2006PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 799$-408.00$816.00
08/27/2006PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 0743$-437.13$1,224.00
07/12/2006BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,661.13$1,661.13
03/07/2006PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 551$-396.00$0.00
01/06/2006PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 500$-396.00$396.00
10/06/2005PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1603$-396.00$792.00
08/17/2005PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1577$-415.02$1,188.00
07/15/2005BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,603.02$1,603.02
03/10/2005PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1382$-385.00$0.00
01/10/2005PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 90-7562 NUM: 331$-385.00$385.00
09/28/2004PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1231$-385.00$770.00
07/23/2004PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1126$-398.06$1,155.00
07/08/2004BILLBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E$1,553.06$1,553.06
03/03/2004PAYMENTBLANKS, SHARON E & GERALD D CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 938$-377.93$0.00
01/09/2004PAYMENTBLANKS, GERALD D & SHARON E CHECK BANK: 90-7562 NUM: 266$-377.93$377.93
10/06/2003PAYMENTBLANKS, SHARON/GERALD CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 803$-377.93$755.86
08/20/2003PAYMENTBLANKS, SHARON E & GERALD D CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 739$-390.39$1,133.79
07/18/2003BILLALLERMAN, LA DELL L$1,524.18$1,524.18
04/22/2003PAYMENTBLANKS, G. CHECK BANK: 90-7562 NUM: 197$-763.98$0.00
03/14/2003PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2002-03$35.70$763.98
01/17/2003PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 2002-03$14.28$728.28
10/07/2002PAYMENTTRANSAMERICA/HOMESIDE LENDING CHECK BANK: 62-26 NUM: 9446631$-357.00$714.00
08/24/2002PAYMENTTRANSAMERICA/HOMESIDE LENDING CHECK BANK: 62-26 NUM: 9432158$-369.49$1,071.00
07/12/2002BILLALLERMAN, LA DELL L$1,440.49$1,440.49
01/06/2002PAYMENTTRANSAMERICA/HOMESIDE LENDING CHECK BANK: 62-26 NUM: 9365487$-350.02$350.02
10/01/2001PAYMENTTRANSAMERICA/HOMESIDE LENDING CHECK BANK: 62-26 NUM: 9326820$-350.02$700.04
08/23/2001PAYMENTTRANSAMERICA/HOMESIDE LENDING CHECK BANK: 62-26 NUM: 9314937$-362.68$1,050.06
07/12/2001BILLALLERMAN, LA DELL L$1,412.74$1,412.74
10/05/2000PAYMENTTRANSAMERICA/HOMESIDE CHECK BANK: 62-26 NUM: 9206432$-316.39$632.78
08/23/2000PAYMENTTRANSAMERICA/HOMESIDE LENDING CHECK BANK: 62-26 NUM: 9195304$-327.03$949.17
07/17/2000BILLALLERMAN, LA DELL L$1,276.20$1,276.20
02/28/2000PAYMENTTRANSAMERICAN RC TAX SERVICE CHECK BANK: 62-26 NUM: 9166673$-331.70$0.00
01/14/2000PAYMENTTRANSAMERICA/HOMESIDE LENDING CHECK BANK: 62-26 NUM: 9155979$-331.70$331.70
10/05/1999PAYMENTMORTGAGE SERVICE CENTER CHECK BANK: 0024 NUM: 896423$-331.70$663.40
08/17/1999PAYMENTMORTGAGE SERVICE CENTER CHECK BANK: 0024 NUM: 851218$-342.28$995.10
07/17/1999BILLALLERMAN, LA DELL L$1,337.38$1,337.38
01/20/1999PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 1998-99$13.29$677.71
10/13/1998PAYMENTALLERMAN, LA DELL L CHECK$-332.21$664.42
08/25/1998PAYMENTALLERMAN, LA DELL L CHECK$-342.73$996.63
07/13/1998BILLALLERMAN, LA DELL L$1,339.36$1,339.36
03/10/1998PAYMENTALLERMAN, LA DELL L CHECK$-326.85$0.00
01/13/1998PAYMENTALLERMAN, LA DELL L CHECK$-326.85$326.85
10/14/1997PAYMENTALLERMAN, LA DELL L CHECK$-326.85$653.70
08/25/1997PAYMENTALLERMAN, LA DELL L CHECK$-337.35$980.55
07/14/1997BILLALLERMAN, LA DELL L$1,317.90$1,317.90
03/17/1997PAYMENTALLERMAN, LA DELL L$-321.10$0.00
03/17/1997AMENDMENTpostmarked before 3/13$-12.84$321.10
03/14/1997PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 1996-97$12.84$333.94
02/07/1997PAYMENTALLERMAN, LA DELL L$-333.94$321.10
01/24/1997PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 1996-97$12.84$655.04
10/16/1996PAYMENTALLERMAN, LA DELL L$-321.10$642.20
08/14/1996PAYMENTALLERMAN, LA DELL L$-331.62$963.30
07/18/1996BILLALLERMAN, LA DELL L$1,294.92$1,294.92