
Tax Account 008-111-03


P O BOX 135
SILVER CITY, NV 89428-0000


Account Summary

Account ID 008-111-03
Account Type Real Estate
Location 0
Balance $0.00
Currently Due $0.00

Current Year

Description 2024/2025 REAL ESTATE TAXES
Original $23.18
Total $23.18
Paid $23.18
Balance $0.00
Due $0.00
Ad Valorem Tax Rate 3.3992
Tax District 9.1 (Central Lyon Non Vector Dist)
Tax Cap 100% High 8.0%


#Due DatePenalty DateStatusOriginal TotalPenaltyTotalPaidTotal Due
210/07/202410/17/2024Not due$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00
301/06/202501/16/2025Not due$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00
403/03/202503/13/2025Not due$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

Past Years

DescriptionOriginalPenaltyPaidBalanceDueTax RateTax District
2023/2024 REAL ESTATE TAXES$21.62$0.00$21.62$0.00$0.003.39789.1
2022/2023 REAL ESTATE TAXES$18.66$0.00$18.66$0.00$0.003.16489.1
2021/2022 REAL ESTATE TAXES$17.40$0.00$17.40$0.00$0.003.16659.1
2020/2021 SECURED TAXES$15.39$0.00$15.39$0.00$0.003.16449.1
2019/2020 SECURED TAXES$14.48$0.00$14.48$0.00$0.003.16449.1
2018/2019 SECURED TAXES$13.84$0.00$13.84$0.00$0.003.16449.1
2017/2018 SECURED TAXES$13.33$0.53$13.86$0.00$0.003.16449.1
2016/2017 SECURED TAXES$13.04$0.00$13.04$0.00$0.003.16449.1

Special Assessments and Other Fees

2024-2025S32Dayton Valley GW1.821.82.00.00
2023-2024S32Dayton Valley GW1.821.82.00.00
2022-2023S32Dayton Valley GW1.971.97.00.00
2021-2022S32Dayton Valley GW1.961.96.00.00
2020-2021S32Dayton Valley GW1.
2019-2020S32Dayton Valley GW1.
2018-2019S32Dayton Valley GW1.
2017-2018S32Dayton Valley GW1.
2016-2017S32Dayton Valley GW1.

Tax Bill and Payment History

DateTypeBilled to / Payer Name / NoteAmountBalance
08/30/2024PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS CHECK 7480$-23.18$0.00
07/16/2024BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$23.18$23.18
08/22/2023PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E CHECK 7325$-21.62$0.00
07/17/2023BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$21.62$21.62
08/24/2022PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E CHECK 7211$-18.66$0.00
08/04/2022AMENDMENTAMENDMENT TO RE 2023$0.00$18.66
07/15/2022BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$18.66$18.66
08/23/2021PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E CHECK 7093$-17.40$0.00
07/14/2021BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$17.40$17.40
08/11/2020PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN CHECK NUM: 6960$-15.39$0.00
07/09/2020BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$15.39$15.39
07/24/2019PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN CHECK NUM: 6818$-14.48$0.00
07/10/2019BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$14.48$14.48
08/08/2018PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN CHECK NUM: 6680$-13.84$0.00
07/10/2018BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$13.84$13.84
09/27/2017PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E CHECK NUM: 6538$-0.53$0.00
09/07/2017PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN CORK: B NUM: 6530$-13.33$0.53
09/01/2017PENALTYInstlmnt 1 Penalty for 2017-18$0.53$13.86
07/10/2017BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$13.33$13.33
08/02/2016PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E CHECK NUM: 6214$-13.04$0.00
07/11/2016BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$13.04$13.04
07/21/2015PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN CHECK NUM: 6229$-12.94$0.00
07/07/2015BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$12.94$12.94
01/29/2015PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E CHECK NUM: 6125$-1.18$0.00
01/16/2015PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 2014-15$0.03$1.18
01/08/2015PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E CHECK NUM: 6110$-12.79$1.15
10/17/2014PENALTYInstlmnt 2 Penalty for 2014-15$0.64$13.94
08/29/2014PENALTYInstlmnt 1 Penalty for 2014-15$0.51$13.30
07/08/2014BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$12.79$12.79
08/14/2013PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E CHECK NUM: 5802$-12.69$0.00
07/08/2013BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$12.69$12.69
08/17/2012PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN CHECK NUM: 5542$-23.82$0.00
07/10/2012BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$23.82$23.82
07/27/2011PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN CHECK NUM: 5213$-23.12$0.00
07/08/2011BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$23.12$23.12
08/19/2010PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E. CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 4888$-23.12$0.00
07/08/2010BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$23.12$23.12
08/13/2009PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 4511$-22.56$0.00
07/06/2009BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$22.56$22.56
08/11/2008PAYMENTCOBBEY, J CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 4069$-25.42$0.00
07/15/2008BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$25.42$25.42
08/17/2007PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E. CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 3624$-25.38$0.00
07/12/2007BILLCOBBEY, JOHN E & DARLENE A TRS$25.38$25.38
08/22/2006PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 9707$-25.12$0.00
07/12/2006BILLCOBBEY, JOHN & DARLENE$25.12$25.12
01/25/2006PAYMENTJOHN COBBEY CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 9510$-2.31$0.00
01/13/2006PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 2005-06$0.06$2.31
10/20/2005PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2828$-25.00$2.25
10/14/2005PENALTYInstlmnt 2 Penalty for 2005-06$1.25$27.25
08/26/2005PENALTYInstlmnt 1 Penalty for 2005-06$1.00$26.00
07/15/2005BILLCOBBEY, JOHN & DARLENE$25.00$25.00
08/12/2004PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 8952$-24.65$0.00
07/08/2004BILLCOBBEY, JOHN & DARLENE$24.65$24.65
08/22/2003PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E. CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 8347$-23.30$0.00
07/18/2003BILLCOBBEY, JOHN & DARLENE$23.30$23.30
01/28/2003PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 8019$-2.08$0.00
01/17/2003PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 2002-03$0.05$2.08
10/28/2002PAYMENTCOBBEY CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 7262$-22.52$2.03
10/18/2002PENALTYInstlmnt 2 Penalty for 2002-03$1.13$24.55
09/03/2002PENALTYInstlmnt 1 Penalty for 2002-03$0.90$23.42
07/12/2002BILLCOBBEY, JOHN & DARLENE$22.52$22.52
08/10/2001PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN & DARLENE CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 7311$-22.15$0.00
07/12/2001BILLCOBBEY, JOHN & DARLENE$22.15$22.15
08/25/2000PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 6540$-21.70$0.00
07/17/2000BILLCOBBEY, JOHN & DARLENE$21.70$21.70
08/30/1999PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 6062$-22.95$0.00
07/17/1999BILLCOBBEY, JOHN & DARLENE$22.95$22.95
08/11/1998PAYMENTJ. COBBEY CHECK$-19.98$0.00
07/13/1998BILLCOBBEY, JOHN & DARLENE$19.98$19.98
08/14/1997PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E CHECK$-19.84$0.00
07/14/1997BILLCOBBEY, JOHN & DARLENE$19.84$19.84
08/23/1996PAYMENTCOBBEY, JOHN E.$-19.73$0.00
07/18/1996BILLCOBBEY, JOHN & DARLENE$19.73$19.73