
Tax Account 001-092-18


YERINGTON, NV 89447-0000


Account Summary

Account ID 001-092-18
Account Type Real Estate
Location 0 N WHITACRE ST
Balance $0.00
Currently Due $0.00

Current Year

Description 2024/2025 REAL ESTATE TAXES
Original $219.38
Total $219.38
Paid $219.38
Balance $0.00
Due $0.00
Ad Valorem Tax Rate 3.6600
Tax District 1.0 (City of Yerington)
Tax Cap 100% High 8.0%


#Due DatePenalty DateStatusOriginal TotalPenaltyTotalPaidTotal Due

Past Years

DescriptionOriginalPenaltyPaidBalanceDueTax RateTax District
2023/2024 REAL ESTATE TAXES$203.14$0.00$203.14$0.00$0.003.66001.0
2022/2023 REAL ESTATE TAXES$188.11$0.00$188.11$0.00$0.003.66001.0
2021/2022 REAL ESTATE TAXES$174.20$0.00$174.20$0.00$0.003.66001.0
2020/2021 SECURED TAXES$161.32$0.00$161.32$0.00$0.003.66001.0
2019/2020 SECURED TAXES$151.18$0.00$151.18$0.00$0.003.66001.0
2018/2019 SECURED TAXES$144.00$0.00$144.00$0.00$0.003.66001.0
2017/2018 SECURED TAXES$142.04$0.00$142.04$0.00$0.003.66001.0
2016/2017 SECURED TAXES$134.69$0.00$134.69$0.00$0.003.66001.0

Tax Bill and Payment History

DateTypeBilled to / Payer Name / NoteAmountBalance
07/30/2024PAYMENTTHE 2024 ELMER ,WAYNE AND KIMBERLY CHECK 644$-219.38$0.00
07/16/2024BILLBULL, ELMER WAYNE TRS ET AL$219.38$219.38
08/16/2023PAYMENTBULL, ELMER WAYNE ET AL TRS CHECK 525$-203.14$0.00
07/17/2023BILLBULL, ELMER WAYNE TRS ET AL$203.14$203.14
08/19/2022PAYMENTBULL, ELMER WAYNE ET AL TRS CHECK 433$-188.11$0.00
07/15/2022BILLBULL, ELMER WAYNE TRS ET AL$188.11$188.11
08/11/2021PAYMENTBULL, ELMER WAYNE ET AL TRS CHECK 273$-174.20$0.00
07/14/2021BILLBULL, ELMER WAYNE TRS ET AL$174.20$174.20
03/02/2021PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK 1086$-40.00$0.00
12/29/2020PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK 1064$-40.00$40.00
10/14/2020PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 1031$-40.00$80.00
08/20/2020PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T CHECK NUM: 1015$-41.32$120.00
07/09/2020BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$161.32$161.32
03/10/2020PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 692$-37.00$0.00
01/13/2020PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 672$-37.00$37.00
10/04/2019PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 639$-37.00$74.00
08/20/2019PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 621$-40.18$111.00
07/10/2019BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$151.18$151.18
03/14/2019PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 566$-36.00$0.00
01/14/2019PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 544$-36.00$36.00
10/11/2018PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 515$-36.00$72.00
08/27/2018PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 505$-36.00$108.00
07/10/2018BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$144.00$144.00
03/01/2018PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 446$-35.00$0.00
01/09/2018PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 426$-35.00$35.00
10/06/2017PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 384$-35.00$70.00
08/01/2017PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 356$-37.04$105.00
07/10/2017BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$142.04$142.04
03/08/2017PAYMENTCORNET, JOHN CHECK NUM: 303$-33.00$0.00
01/10/2017PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 280$-33.00$33.00
10/10/2016PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 246$-33.00$66.00
08/22/2016PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 227$-35.69$99.00
07/11/2016BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$134.69$134.69
03/10/2016PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T CHECK NUM: 171$-14.00$0.00
01/12/2016PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T CHECK NUM: 141$-68.00$14.00
10/12/2015PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T CHECK NUM: 110$-41.00$82.00
08/25/2015PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN & SANDRA CHECK NUM: 307$-44.99$123.00
07/07/2015BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$167.99$167.99
03/10/2015PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 1265$-41.00$0.00
01/08/2015PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 1243$-41.00$41.00
10/13/2014PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 1215$-41.00$82.00
08/26/2014PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 1198$-44.99$123.00
07/08/2014BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$167.99$167.99
03/12/2014PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 1144$-41.00$0.00
01/15/2014PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 1121$-41.00$41.00
10/10/2013PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 1080$-41.00$82.00
08/19/2013PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 1056$-44.99$123.00
07/08/2013BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$167.99$167.99
03/11/2013PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 1006$-41.00$0.00
01/16/2013PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 981$-41.00$41.00
10/10/2012PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 950$-41.00$82.00
08/28/2012PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 932$-42.04$123.00
07/10/2012BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$165.04$165.04
03/08/2012PAYMENTJOHN CORNETT CHECK NUM: 875$-41.00$0.00
01/11/2012PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 849$-41.00$41.00
10/13/2011PAYMENTJOHN CORNETT CHECK NUM: 810$-41.00$82.00
08/24/2011PAYMENTJOHN CORNETT CHECK NUM: 792$-42.04$123.00
07/08/2011BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$165.04$165.04
03/15/2011PAYMENTJOHN CORNETT CHECK NUM: 760$-41.00$0.00
01/11/2011PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK NUM: 741$-42.75$41.00
10/15/2010PENALTYInstlmnt 2 Penalty for 2010-11$0.07$83.75
10/14/2010PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 682$-41.00$83.68
10/14/2010PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 680$-42.04$124.68
08/30/2010PENALTYInstlmnt 1 Penalty for 2010-11$1.68$166.72
07/08/2010BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$165.04$165.04
03/10/2010PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 593$-58.00$0.00
01/11/2010PAYMENTJOHN CORNETT CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 568$-58.00$58.00
10/14/2009PAYMENTJOHN CORNETT CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 533$-58.00$116.00
08/18/2009PAYMENTJOHN CORNETT CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 511$-61.99$174.00
07/06/2009BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$235.99$235.99
03/10/2009PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 90-7097 NUM: 240$-71.00$0.00
01/15/2009PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 448$-71.00$71.00
10/16/2008PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 413$-71.00$142.00
08/21/2008PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 388$-72.35$213.00
07/15/2008BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$285.35$285.35
04/09/2008PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 356$-68.64$0.00
03/14/2008PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2007-08$2.64$68.64
02/26/2008PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 336$-68.64$66.00
01/18/2008PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 2007-08$2.64$134.64
11/14/2007PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 303$-68.64$132.00
10/12/2007PENALTYInstlmnt 2 Penalty for 2007-08$2.64$200.64
08/16/2007PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 267$-66.22$198.00
07/12/2007BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$264.22$264.22
03/19/2007PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 208$-63.44$0.00
03/16/2007PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2006-07$2.44$63.44
01/18/2007PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72-1224 NUM: 180$-63.44$61.00
01/12/2007PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 2006-07$2.44$124.44
10/11/2006PAYMENTJOHN CORNETT CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 131$-61.00$122.00
08/29/2006PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 108$-61.65$183.00
07/12/2006BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$244.65$244.65
03/14/2006PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2740$-58.33$0.00
01/13/2006PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 2005-06$0.09$58.33
01/11/2006PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72-1224 NUM: 2709$-56.00$58.24
10/24/2005PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2672$-56.00$114.24
10/14/2005PENALTYInstlmnt 2 Penalty for 2005-06$2.24$170.24
08/25/2005PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2642$-58.53$168.00
07/15/2005BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$226.53$226.53
03/23/2005PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2577$-55.98$0.00
03/18/2005PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2004-05$2.15$55.98
01/19/2005PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2549$-58.25$53.83
01/14/2005PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 2004-05$2.16$112.08
10/19/2004PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2502$-58.24$109.92
10/15/2004PENALTYInstlmnt 2 Penalty for 2004-05$2.16$168.16
08/19/2004PAYMENTCORNETT CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2479$-60.53$166.00
07/08/2004BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$226.53$226.53
03/17/2004PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 90-7097 NUM: 202$-58.42$0.00
03/15/2004PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2003-04$2.25$58.42
01/22/2004PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2413$-58.42$56.17
01/20/2004PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 2003-04$2.25$114.59
10/14/2003PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2364$-56.17$112.34
09/22/2003PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CORK: B BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2356$-58.42$168.51
09/02/2003PENALTYInstlmnt 1 Penalty for 2003-04$2.25$226.93
07/18/2003BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$224.68$224.68
03/05/2003PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2253$-52.00$0.00
01/09/2003PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2231$-49.92$52.00
10/18/2002PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 90-7097 NUM: 143$-54.08$101.92
08/22/2002PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA CHECK BANK: 90-7097 NUM: 125$-55.48$156.00
07/12/2002BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$211.48$211.48
03/12/2002PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2159$-50.13$0.00
01/18/2002PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2139$-54.31$50.13
10/02/2001PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2101$-52.22$104.44
08/21/2001PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2083$-52.42$156.66
07/12/2001BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$209.08$209.08
03/19/2001PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2015$-42.49$0.00
03/19/2001AMENDMENTunder 2.00$-1.70$42.49
03/16/2001PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 2000-01$1.70$44.19
01/16/2001PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1180$-42.49$42.49
10/12/2000PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1143$-42.49$84.98
08/18/2000PAYMENTJOHN CORNETT CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1112$-42.72$127.47
07/17/2000BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$170.19$170.19
03/09/2000PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1040$-45.86$0.00
01/19/2000PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-7074 NUM: 1021$-92.61$45.86
01/19/2000PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 1999-00$4.41$138.47
10/18/1999PENALTYInstlmnt 2 Penalty for 1999-00$1.76$134.06
09/07/1999PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN CHECK BANK: 94-72 NUM: 2048$-46.13$132.30
09/02/1999PENALTYInstlmnt 1 Penalty for 1999-00$1.77$178.43
07/17/1999BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$176.66$176.66
10/08/1998PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK$-131.34$0.00
08/21/1998PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN & SANDRA CHECK$-43.94$131.34
07/13/1998BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$175.28$175.28
03/13/1998PENALTYInstlmnt 4 Penalty for 1997-98$1.73$45.01
01/21/1998PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK$-45.01$43.28
01/20/1998PENALTYInstlmnt 3 Penalty for 1997-98$1.73$88.29
10/15/1997PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M CHECK$-43.28$86.56
09/05/1997PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN & SANDRA CHECK$-43.46$129.84
09/05/1997AMENDMENTunder 2.00$-1.74$173.30
09/03/1997PENALTYInstlmnt 1 Penalty for 1997-98$1.74$175.04
07/14/1997BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$173.30$173.30
01/15/1997PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$-85.80$0.00
08/29/1996PAYMENTCORNETT, JOHN & SANDRA M.$-86.00$85.80
07/18/1996BILLCORNETT, JOHN T & SANDRA M$171.80$171.80