Parcel 006-034-09
DAYTON, NV 89403-0000
Parcel Summary
Location | 190 HART ST DAYTON, NV |
Use Code | 230: Personal Property Manufactured Home on the Unsecured Roll |
Tax District | 8.5: Central Lyon Fire District |
Map Parcel | PAR C |
Acreage | .1000 |
Subdivision | CARSON RIVER CAMP |
Plat Maps | 006-03.pdf (425kb) |
Map Documents | PAR43787 |
Value History
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | |
Total Building Value | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $11,706 | $9,840 |
Total Extra Features Value | $12,079 | $12,074 | $11,561 | $11,061 | $11,241 | $0 | $0 |
Total Secured Pers Prop | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Land Value | $63,000 | $63,000 | $63,000 | $63,000 | $63,000 | $63,000 | $63,000 |
Taxable Value | $75,079 | $75,074 | $74,561 | $74,061 | $74,241 | $74,706 | $72,840 |
Net Exemptions Value | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Net Assessed Value | $26,278 | $26,276 | $26,096 | $25,921 | $25,984 | $26,147 | $25,494 |
New Improvements | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Land | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Document/Transfer/Sales History
Instrument / Official Record | Date | Type | V/I | Dcl Value | Ownership |
REC 478348 | 2011-06-24 | RECONVEYANCE FROM LYON COUNTY | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: MOSS, DARREN T |
TTD 408021 | 2007-06-11 | TREASURERS TAX DEED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: LYON COUNTY TRUST |
AFF 392809 | 2006-10-06 | AFFIDAVIT OF DEATH | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: MONTGOMERY, CHARLES C |
242771 | 1999-12-23 | Improved | $65,000 | Grantor: MONTGOMERY, CHARLES C & NITA Grantee: MOSS, DARREN T | |
241857 | 1999-11-18 | Improved | $65,000 | Grantor: MENDOZA, RICHARD Grantee: MONTGOMERY, CHARLES C & NITA | |
DEE 183111 | 1995-06-13 | DEED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: MENDOZA, RICHARD |
183110 | 1995-06-02 | Improved | $30,000 | Grantor: NAGEL, GERALD & MARY F Grantee: MENDOZA, RICHARD | |
GRA 118045 | 1988-08-08 | GRANT DEED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: NAGEL, GERALD & MARY F |
GRA 116416 | 1988-06-01 | GRANT DEED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: NAGEL, GERALD & MARY F |
EXD 114399 | 1988-03-17 | EXECUTORS/ADMINISTRATORS DEED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: NAGEL, GERALD & MARY F |
EST 113063 | 1988-01-13 | ESTATE/DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: NAGEL, GERALD & MARY F |
PAR 43787 | 1979-02-23 | PARCEL MAP | Vacant | $0 | |
QCD 39511 | 1978-08-10 | QUITCLAIM DEED | Vacant | $0 | |
GBS 39510 | 1978-08-10 | GRANT BARGAIN SALE DEED | Vacant | $0 | |
AFF 26525 | 1976-06-09 | AFFIDAVIT OF DEATH | Vacant | $0 |
Extra Features
Code | Description | Length | Width | Units | Unit Price | AYB | Repl Cost | % Good Condition | Dpr Value* | Final Value |
HU RP | HOOKUP IN ROSE PEAK SUB 1/24 | 1.00 | $13,607 | 1974 | $13,607 | 25% | $3,402 | $3,402 | ||
BNK3/43 | BUNKHOUSES 3/4 COST COMMON WALL 1/24 | 236.00 | $42 | 1978 | $9,795 | 30% | $2,889 | $2,889 | ||
PLYRR | PLYWOOD PORCH WITH ROLL ROOF 1/24 | 7 | 9 | 63.00 | $24 | 1978 | $1,508 | 30% | $445 | $445 |
CONCAL | ALUMINUM AWNING OVER CONCRETE 1/24 | 15 | 32 | 480.00 | $19 | 1974 | $9,082 | 25% | $2,270 | $2,270 |
ASPH2 | ASPHALT "FAIR" AND "GOOD" 1/24 | 400.00 | $4 | 1994 | $1,513 | 54% | $809 | $809 | ||
FNC LF | FENCE "LOW-FAIR" 200' 1/24 | 1.00 | $7,751 | 1974 | $7,751 | 25% | $1,938 | $1,938 | ||
CONC L | CONCRETE "LOW" 180SF 1/24 | 1.00 | $1,305 | 1974 | $1,305 | 25% | $326 | $326 |
Land Lines
Personal Property
Account | Secured/ Unsecured | Owner | Description |
MH002617 | Unsecured | MOSS, DARREN T | MH - MOBILE HOMES |
All parcel data on this page is for use by the Lyon County Property Appraiser for assessment purposes only. The summary data on this page may not be a complete representation of the parcel or of the improvements thereon. Building information, including unit counts and number of permitted units, should be verified with the appropriate building and planning agencies. Zoning information should be verified with the appropriate planning agency. All parcels are reappraised each year. This is a true and accurate copy of the records of the Lyon County Assessor's Office as of March 01, 2025.