
Parcel 019-305-24




Parcel Summary

Location 198 RING RD
Use Code 710: Communication, Transportation, and Utility Property of a Local Nature
Tax District 8.4: Central Lyon Fire District
Acreage .5100
Lot 93
Subdivision MARK TWAIN EST 10
Exemptions 361.060A: COUNTY OWNED (100%)
Plat Maps 019-30.pdf (557kb)
Map Documents ROS521966

Value History

Total Building Value$0$0$0$0$171,366$354,929$165,489
Total Extra Features Value$204,752$187,560$162,296$161,014$0$0$0
Total Secured Pers Prop$0$0$0$0$0$0$0
Total Land Value$50,000$50,000$50,000$50,000$50,000$125,029$89,314
Taxable Value$254,752$237,560$212,296$211,014$221,366$479,957$254,803
Net Exemptions Value$89,163$83,146$74,304$73,855$77,478$167,985$89,181
Net Assessed Value$0$0$0$0$0$0$0
New Improvements$0$0$0$0$0$0$0
New Land$0$0$0$0$0$0$0

Document/Transfer/Sales History

Instrument /
Official Record
Official RecordDateTypeV/IDcl ValueOwnership
ROS 5219665219662014-06-03RECORD OF SURVEYVacant$0Grantee: LYON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS
QCD 1252911252911989-06-23QUITCLAIM DEEDVacant$0Grantee: LYON COUNTY
WTR 1252901252901989-06-23DEED FOR WATER RIGHTSVacant$0
BOS 1252891252891989-06-23BILL OF SALEVacant$0
QCD 1252881252881989-06-23QUITCLAIM DEEDVacant$0Grantee: LYON COUNTY
WTR 1252871252871989-06-23DEED FOR WATER RIGHTSVacant$0
BOS 1252861252861989-06-23BILL OF SALEVacant$0
GBS 79017790171983-07-26GRANT BARGAIN SALE DEEDVacant$0
TRU 41800418001978-11-08DEED TO A TRUSTVacant$0
GBS 36837368371978-04-18GRANT BARGAIN SALE DEEDVacant$0
SUB 32781327811977-06-20SUBDIVISION MAPVacant$0



Extra Features

*RCNLD: Replacement Cost New, Less Depreciation

CodeDescriptionLengthWidthUnitsUnit PriceAYBRepl Cost% Good ConditionDpr Value*Final ValueNotes
WATRBOLT1BOLTED STEEL WATER TANK 1/24350000.00$11988$385,00045%$171,325$171,325
GPBLDG3GENERAL PURPOSE BLDG CONCRETE FL 1/241732544.00$261989$14,31146%$6,583$6,583
SHEDS2SHEDS TYPE 1 1=DIRT 2,3=CONCRETE 1/24815120.00$291996$3,47357%$1,962$1,962
SHEDS2SHEDS TYPE 1 1=DIRT 2,3=CONCRETE 1/24815120.00$291996$3,47357%$1,962$1,962
SHEDS2SHEDS TYPE 1 1=DIRT 2,3=CONCRETE 1/24815120.00$291996$3,47357%$1,962$1,962
CONC FCONCRETE "FAIR" 660SF 1/241.00$4,7861996$4,78657%$2,704$2,704
FNC GFENCE "GOOD" 700' 1/241.00$19,9901996$19,99057%$11,294$11,294

Land Lines

CodeDescriptionZoneFrontDepthUnitsUnit TypeRateAcreageSq FtTotal AdjValueNotes
710Communication, Transportation, and Utility Property of a Local NatureRR2T1.00SITE$50,000.000.5122,2161.00$50,000

Personal Property



All parcel data on this page is for use by the Lyon County Property Appraiser for assessment purposes only. The summary data on this page may not be a complete representation of the parcel or of the improvements thereon. Building information, including unit counts and number of permitted units, should be verified with the appropriate building and planning agencies. Zoning information should be verified with the appropriate planning agency. All parcels are reappraised each year. This is a true and accurate copy of the records of the Lyon County Assessor's Office as of July 25, 2024.