Parcel 010-721-09
SPARKS, NV 89434
Parcel Summary
Use Code | 120: Vacant - Single Family Residential |
Tax District | 4.0: Smith Valley Fire Protection |
Map Parcel | PAR A |
Acreage | 40.8400 |
Plat Maps | 010-72.pdf (347kb) |
Map Documents | DLP687088 |
Value History
2025 | |
Total Building Value | $0 |
Total Extra Features Value | $0 |
Total Secured Pers Prop | $0 |
Total Land Value | $120,000 |
Taxable Value | $120,000 |
Net Exemptions Value | $0 |
Net Assessed Value | $42,000 |
New Improvements | $0 |
New Land | $0 |
Document/Transfer/Sales History
Instrument / Official Record | Date | Type | V/I | Dcl Value | Ownership |
DLP 687088 | 2024-10-08 | DIVISION OF LAND TO LARGE PAR | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: MYERS, PATRICIA A TRS |
RRD 671110 | 2023-06-23 | RE-RECORDED DOCUMENT | Improved | $0 | Grantor: HARTWICK, REX & SANDY Grantee: MYERS, ROBERT TRS |
WTR 659794 | 2022-07-12 | DEED FOR WATER RIGHTS | Improved | $0 | Grantor: VLOT, DIRK J & VALERIE J TRS Grantee: MYERS, ROBERT TRS |
TRU 659791 | 2022-07-12 | DEED TO A TRUST | Vacant | $352,000 | Grantor: HARTWICK, REX & SANDRA Grantee: MYERS, ROBERT TRS |
GBS 638876 | 2021-06-09 | GRANT BARGAIN SALE DEED | Improved | $150,000 | Grantor: SV FARMS LLC Grantee: HARTWICK, REX & SANDY |
GBS 627710 | 2020-12-30 | GRANT BARGAIN SALE DEED | Improved | $0 | Grantor: VLOT, DIRK & VALERIE TRS Grantee: SV FARMS LLC |
WTR 604097 | 2019-10-16 | DEED FOR WATER RIGHTS | Vacant | $55,500 | Grantor: VLOT, DIRK & VALERIE TRS Grantee: KIRBY, JEFFREY E |
GBA 551668 | 2016-06-13 | GREEN BELT APPROVED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: VLOT, DIRK & VALERIE TRS ET AL |
GBS 527072 | 2014-10-22 | GRANT BARGAIN SALE DEED | Improved | $1,075,000 | Grantor: ACME LEASING LLC Grantee: VLOT, DIRK & VALERIE TRS ET AL |
GBA 509149 | 2013-07-01 | GREEN BELT APPROVED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: ACME LEASING LLC |
GBA 323360 | 2004-06-15 | GREEN BELT APPROVED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: ACME LEASING LLC |
GBS 317495 | 2004-03-29 | GRANT BARGAIN SALE DEED | Improved | $800,000 | Grantor: RENNER, THOMAS R & TOSCA M Grantee: ACME LEASING LLC |
RRD 210152 | 1997-09-17 | RE-RECORDED DOCUMENT | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: RENNER, THOMAS R |
GBA 206085 | 1997-06-04 | GREEN BELT APPROVED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: RENNER, THOMAS R & TOSCA M |
QCD 205226 | 1997-05-09 | QUITCLAIM DEED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: RENNER, THOMAS R & TOSCA M |
QCD 205225 | 1997-05-09 | QUITCLAIM DEED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: RENNER, THOMAS R |
QCD 205224 | 1997-05-09 | QUITCLAIM DEED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: RENNER, THOMAS R |
GBA 144357 | 1991-09-11 | GREEN BELT APPROVED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: RENNER, THOMAS R & DONALD W |
GBA 104420 | 1987-01-02 | GREEN BELT APPROVED | Vacant | $0 | |
DEE 104294 | 1986-12-30 | DEED | Vacant | $0 | Grantee: RENNER, THOMAS R & DONALD W |
GBA 24306 | 1975-12-09 | GREEN BELT APPROVED | Vacant | $0 | |
GBS 13397 | 1973-02-21 | GRANT BARGAIN SALE DEED | Vacant | $42,500 |
Extra Features
Land Lines
Personal Property
All parcel data on this page is for use by the Lyon County Property Appraiser for assessment purposes only. The summary data on this page may not be a complete representation of the parcel or of the improvements thereon. Building information, including unit counts and number of permitted units, should be verified with the appropriate building and planning agencies. Zoning information should be verified with the appropriate planning agency. All parcels are reappraised each year. This is a true and accurate copy of the records of the Lyon County Assessor's Office as of January 12, 2025.