
Parcel 006-091-19




Parcel Summary

Location 15 OLD COMO RD
Use Code 900: Parks for Public Use
Tax District 8.8: Central Lyon Fire District
Acreage 4.5400
Exemptions 361.060A: COUNTY OWNED (100%)
Plat Maps 006-09.pdf (251kb)

Value History

Total Building Value$0$0$0$0$0$54,083$53,409
Total Extra Features Value$80,760$85,978$77,437$67,752$53,409$0$0
Total Secured Pers Prop$0$0$0$0$0$0$0
Total Land Value$120,000$120,000$120,000$120,000$120,000$120,000$120,000
Taxable Value$200,760$205,978$197,437$187,752$173,409$174,083$173,409
Net Exemptions Value$70,266$72,092$69,103$65,713$60,693$60,929$60,693
Net Assessed Value$0$0$0$0$0$0$0
New Improvements$0$0$0$14,056$0$0$0
New Land$0$0$0$0$0$0$0

Document/Transfer/Sales History

Instrument /
Official Record
DateTypeV/IDcl ValueOwnership
QCD 5046242013-03-26QUITCLAIM DEEDVacant$0Grantee: LYON COUNTY
ROS 1397231991-02-20RECORD OF SURVEYVacant$0Grantee: LYON COUNTY
EAS 1360911990-09-24EASEMENT/RIGHT-OF-WAY DEEDVacant$0Grantee: LYON COUNTY
PAT 888921984-10-16PATENTVacant$0Grantee: LYON COUNTY
QCD 888911984-10-16QUITCLAIM DEEDVacant$0



Extra Features

*RCNLD: Replacement Cost New, Less Depreciation

CodeDescriptionLengthWidthUnitsUnit PriceAYBRepl Cost% Good ConditionDpr Value*Final Value
BUNK4BUNKHOUSES 80% CRPT,20% LINO,INSUL 1/24648.00$851986$54,76842%$22,729$22,729
CONCCSCOMP SHINGLE ROOF OVER CONCRETE 1/2461272.00$271986$1,96442%$815$815
FNC AFENCE "AVERAGE" 500' 1/241.00$16,3191986$16,31942%$6,772$6,772
BLEACHPPORTABLE BLEACHERS METAL FRAME 1/241296.00$271986$34,81742%$14,449$14,449
FIXT 1FIXTURES FOR CLASS 1 BLDGS 1/246.00$4721986$2,82942%$1,174$1,174
SPR GSPRINKLERS "GOOD" 5000SF 1/241.00$14,5481986$14,54842%$6,037$6,037
ASPH4ASPHALT "FAIR" AND "GOOD" 1/2410816.00$31986$33,85442%$14,049$14,049
CONC FCONCRETE "FAIR" 660SF 1/241.00$4,7861986$4,78642%$1,986$1,986
SWINGSSWINGS PER UNIT 1/241.00$1,0111990$1,01148%$480$480
SLIDE1=STEEL 2=PLASTIC 3=SPIRAL 4=TUBE 1/241.00$3,5601990$3,56048%$1,691$1,691
SHEDS2SHEDS TYPE 1 1=DIRT 2,3=CONCRETE 1/2481296.00$301992$2,88751%$1,458$1,458
ELECELECTRIC RURAL 1/241.00$3,5261986$3,52642%$1,463$1,463
BATCAGECEILING/NET & FRAME PER STATION 1/241.00$4,5811997$4,58158%$2,657$2,657
SHEDS3SHEDS TYPE 1 1=DIRT 2,3=CONCRETE 1/24210.00$291997$6,12758%$3,553$3,553
BBHOOPBASKETBALL HOOP W/POLE 1/241.00$3,4871986$3,48742%$1,447$1,447

Land Lines

CodeDescriptionZoneFrontDepthUnitsUnit TypeRateAcreageSq FtTotal AdjValue
900Parks for Public UseRR31.00SITE$120,000.004.54197,7621.00$120,000

Personal Property



All parcel data on this page is for use by the Lyon County Property Appraiser for assessment purposes only. The summary data on this page may not be a complete representation of the parcel or of the improvements thereon. Building information, including unit counts and number of permitted units, should be verified with the appropriate building and planning agencies. Zoning information should be verified with the appropriate planning agency. All parcels are reappraised each year. This is a true and accurate copy of the records of the Lyon County Assessor's Office as of March 01, 2025.