
Parcel 006-074-01


* *

Parcel Summary

Location *
Use Code 310: Two Single Family Units
Tax District 8.5: Central Lyon Fire District
Acreage .3800
Subdivision DAYTON TOWN
Exemptions *
Plat Maps *
Map Documents *

Value History

Total Building Value$52,238$51,287$47,259$43,904$41,917$42,897$40,729
Total Extra Features Value$6,125$6,423$5,620$4,854$4,737$0$0
Total Secured Pers Prop$0$0$0$0$0$0$0
Total Land Value$40,000$40,000$40,000$40,000$40,000$40,000$40,000
Taxable Value$98,363$97,710$92,879$88,758$86,654$82,897$80,729
Net Exemptions Value$0$0$0$0$0$0$0
Net Assessed Value$34,427$34,198$32,508$31,065$30,329$29,014$28,255
New Improvements$0$0$0$0$0$0$0
New Land$0$0$0$0$0$0$0

Document/Transfer/Sales History

Instrument /
Official Record
DateTypeV/IDcl ValueOwnership
GBS _instr_num|left2011-03-16GRANT BARGAIN SALE DEEDVacant$0Grantee: *
GBS _instr_num|left2011-03-08GRANT BARGAIN SALE DEEDImproved$110,000Grantor: *
Grantee: *
DIL _instr_num|left2010-07-20DEED IN LIEU OF FORCLOSUREImproved$201,387Grantor: *
Grantee: *
GBS _instr_num|left2004-05-04GRANT BARGAIN SALE DEEDImproved$295,000Grantor: *
Grantee: *
GRA _instr_num|left1987-12-02GRANT DEEDVacant$95,000Grantee: *
GRA _instr_num|left1986-04-28GRANT DEEDVacant$0Grantee: *
GBS _instr_num|left1981-10-16GRANT BARGAIN SALE DEEDVacant$55,000
QCD _instr_num|left1981-10-16QUITCLAIM DEEDVacant$0
QCD _instr_num|left1981-10-16QUITCLAIM DEEDVacant$0
JTD _instr_num|left1981-08-20JOINT TENANCY DEEDVacant$0
JTD _instr_num|left1981-08-20JOINT TENANCY DEEDVacant$0
QTA _instr_num|left1980-12-17QUIET TITLE ACTIONVacant$0
ROS _instr_num|left1980-05-28RECORD OF SURVEYVacant$0
AFF _instr_num|left1979-07-24AFFIDAVIT OF DEATHVacant$0
DEE _instr_num|left1979-06-28DEEDVacant$0
MSC _instr_num|leftMISCELLANEOUS (OLD RECORDS)Vacant$0
MSC _instr_num|leftMISCELLANEOUS (OLD RECORDS)Vacant$0
MSC _instr_num|leftMISCELLANEOUS (OLD RECORDS)Vacant$0
MSC _instr_num|leftMISCELLANEOUS (OLD RECORDS)Vacant$0
MSC _instr_num|leftMISCELLANEOUS (OLD RECORDS)Vacant$0
DED _instr_num|leftDEED (OLD RECORDS)Vacant$0


Building # 1, Section # 1, RESIDENCE A, Single Family Residence

TypeModelHeated Sq FtRepl Cost NewYrBltWAYOther % DprNormal % Dpr% CondValue

Structural Elements

ROOFROOF0208Composition Shingle
EWEXT WALL0105Frame, Siding
HEATHEAT0313Wall Furnace
0601Plumbing Fixtures -#5.00
0602Plumbing Fixtures Rough-ins -#1.00
SBFLSubFloor (RES)0622Raised Subfloor (%)
0402Automatic Floor Cover Allowance1.00
0904Slab Porch with Roof (SF)100.00
TypeGross AreaPercent of BaseAdjusted Area
FIR=[ORIG=93,-75.11] E16 S12 E9 S36 W18 N20 W7 N28 $ SCR=[ORIG=93,-27.11] E7 N20 W7 S20 $ FIR=[ORIG=29.6,-27.11] E20 N36 W20 S36 $ CCP=[ORIG=29.6,-22.11] E20 N5 W20 S5 $ ENC=[ORIG=118,-33.6] E9 N20 W9 S20 $ .

Building # 2, Section # 1, RESIDENCE B, Single Family Residence

TypeModelHeated Sq FtRepl Cost NewYrBltWAYOther % DprNormal % Dpr% CondValue

Structural Elements

ROOFROOF0220Wood Shingle
EWEXT WALL0105Frame, Siding
HEATHEAT0313Wall Furnace
0601Plumbing Fixtures -#5.00
0602Plumbing Fixtures Rough-ins -#1.00
SBFLSubFloor (RES)0622Raised Subfloor (%)
0402Automatic Floor Cover Allowance1.00
0907Enclosed Porch (SF) Screened Walls140.00
TypeGross AreaPercent of BaseAdjusted Area

Extra Features

*RCNLD: Replacement Cost New, Less Depreciation

CodeDescriptionLengthWidthUnitsUnit PriceAYBRepl Cost% Good ConditionDpr Value*Final Value
FNC LFFENCE "LOW-FAIR" 200' 1/242.00$7,7511920$15,50225%$3,876$3,876
SH T23SHEDS TYPE 2 1=DIRT 2,3=CONCRETE 1/24920180.00$261990$4,73448%$2,249$2,249

Land Lines

CodeDescriptionZoneFrontDepthUnitsUnit TypeRateAcreageSq FtTotal AdjValue
310Two Single Family UnitsMULT1.00SF$40,000.000.3816,5531.00$40,000

Personal Property



All parcel data on this page is for use by the Lyon County Property Appraiser for assessment purposes only. The summary data on this page may not be a complete representation of the parcel or of the improvements thereon. Building information, including unit counts and number of permitted units, should be verified with the appropriate building and planning agencies. Zoning information should be verified with the appropriate planning agency. All parcels are reappraised each year. This is a true and accurate copy of the records of the Lyon County Assessor's Office as of March 03, 2025.